Chapter Five: A Broken String

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In hindsight, Owen was almost sure that such a thing would happen. Almost sure that he had felt a weight on his shoulders growing heavier, a feeling of inevitable despair in the back of his mind that stirred. That fate had come to punish him for stealing a soul, or that the ghost of the past had returned, come with its unfinished business. 

It's unfinished business, to clip the final string that keeps me from falling into the abyss. First Ben, then Alissa... all cut from me, and now Jessica. I had repaired the string once, but what more will fate do before it is satisfied?

Shivering, Owen gave a deep breath as he reached the top of the stairs, coming face-to-face with his apartment door. He paused, unsure what surprises lied on the other side, and then gritted his teeth. No, this would not what he would amount to, a coward that ran from dangers that were not there, and hid from dangers that were! No - ignorance, cowardice had been the end of Ben. His failure to act in time, standing there petrified with fear, led to nothing but regret. If I wish for Jessica to stay safe, then what good will I do standing here, thinking of what could happen rather than embracing the truth?

Determination coursed through him as he inserted his key into the apartment door and stepped in. Hanging his coat onto the rack, Owen walked over and placed his bag on the kitchen table, the feeling of dread lingering. Struggling to ignore it as he called Jessica to dinner, Owen took two McDonald's burgers out of his bag and braced himself. I can imagine it already. Jessica's going to be sick again. Or missing. She'll have done something rash, and then-

Owen gave a quick sigh of relief as he saw Jessica opening the door to her room and strolling over to the table, plopping down on the opposite side of Owen. Taking and unwrapping her burger with careless fingers, she looked at Owen with an innocent glint in her eye and smiled. "Hi, Dad!"

Owen returned the smile. "Hey, Jessica. How's it going?"

Jessica took a bite out of the burger and paused for a moment before replying, "Pretty good."

"What did you do while I was away?" Owen grimaced, hoping that his tone didn't come off as threatening. But I can't help but worry. 

"I got bored, so I read those books that you gave me, again. Did you know that the Treaty of Tashar was signed in 2094?" Looking at Jessica's eager expression, Owen shook his head, forcing himself not to give away his straight face.

"No, but that's interesting. Did you spend the entire day reading?"

Jessica's pursed her lips, as if trying to remember. "Well... I also played the Pretend game, like you told me to play if I didn't have anything else to do. This time I pretended that I was in the downtown again!" Owen gave a bittersweet smile, laced with both joy and guilt. "I imagined that there were birds that helped me fly around to see the downtown, and I would fly to each of the buildings and see what was inside." 

"What was inside, then?" Owen asked, beginning to become amused by his daughter's antics.

Jessica's smile brightened as she searched for an answer.  "Well... I guess I forgot. But I do remember that I was friends with the birds, and that we talked a lot. And then they taught me how to fly!" Owen gave a joking expression of surprise.

"Really? But even I don't know how to fly."

Jessica laughed. "It's easy, dad." Putting down the tiny portion that remained of her burger, Jessica began to let her arms lift and fall in a flapping motion. "It's just like that."

Owen chuckled, seeing Jessica almost believe in her own words. "Well, it sounds like you had a fun day. Am I right, Jessica?"

Jessica nodded, her plump head bobbing up and down. "Yeah! I kinda didn't feel so good though. At least, after you left."

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