#4 Evil on a meadow

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It was a good fall afternoon. The weather is nice, the temperature is just right, and the sky above is clear. In the peaceful Cornseed Valley, everything was business as usual. At the fringe of town, inside the gloomy forest, there lays a beautiful meadow, complete with its own blooming flower, narrow stream, and peaceful sound of wildlife around it.  Nobody suspected that on that particular afternoon, a group of ancient inquisitors will be holding their meeting there.

A teenage boy, only a senior at high school walked demurely behind his father. Every man in his family has been in this group since forever and a day. In this organization, registration is simple. You just have to be born in the right family, with the right gender. How old the organization is? He wasn’t sure. Nobody was sure of it. It predate the US of A, some even said that the creation of the organization happened in the Dark Age.

The only thing that he is sure of is the fact that the organization is very powerful. If what his father told him is right, then the organization could be said as the puppet master behind countries. No wonder that when the organization wants someone dead, then he would be.

Normally, the boy would have been afraid of this kind of people. However, this is the organization! His father had been secretly told him about it since he learns to talk. He has been looking forward to join the organization officially. He still have four years of waiting, or so he thought. This afternoon however, when he came home from school, his father immediately shouted to his mother that they would go fishing. It was weird, since they never did it before.

He was delightfully surprised when his father told him that he would be joining the organization today. It was merely a coincide that the full member of the organization are assembled in one area, so the think that they should spice up the meet and made him an official member.

Karina will be so jealous when she heard about this, only, Karina must not know. The organization would not be a secret society if the member can’t hold his mouth shut. The secret must be maintain at any cost. The only person you will tell about the organization is you son, or sons.

His father stopped when he reached the meadow. “Brothers! I see that you are all assembled!” His father greeted. “This is my boy.” His father said while nodding to his direction.

In the middle of the meadow, there are around twenty people. Some look very regal, some look stiff inside their business suit, and some look had enough to be a Navy Seal. Some look ancient, some look no more than a year or two older than him.

One of the oldest men folded his hand in front of his chest, “Do we really have time for this? We lost the witches again! It was almost as if they could see us coming!”

One of the man in business suit said, “I was almost sure that they did. Witchcraft, remember?”

“Antaville is near here,” the boy’s father said. “What make you think that they won’t choose Cornseed Valley as their next hideout?”

“They are not that stupid!” One of the men said, and some other murmured in agreement.

The boy cleared his throat. Some of the men think that he did it to gain attention, some other thought that he want to back up his father. That was why when the words departed his mouth; most of the men were slack jawed.

“There is a new boy in my class today. His parents are witch.”

After a moment of silent, the man who appeared to be the oldest of oldest came forth and said, “Investigate the boy. The Chosen One has never stepped a foot inside a public school, but if this new boy is him, then he has to die!”


Noticed the wonderful cover up there? It was created for me by @BlissfullyMe 

She wrote story about witches too, but sadly, it's on hold... You should check it out though... 


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