🌻Chapter 2🐞

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Liked by jiminsliljams and 653 othersLilboytae peeka 부256 commentsBabygirl_sunny Ugly

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Liked by jiminsliljams and 653 others
Lilboytae peeka 부
Babygirl_sunny Ugly.
Lilboytae Not as much as your aunt
Assclappingkook 🥵


What does that mean?🤩
You like my daddy energy huh?

I mean... you don't look bad.
But you kinda remind me of my grandma with that gray hair

Ummm... ok
Is that a good thing?


Bro, you're weird.

Did you just leave me on seen?

I'm not talking to you anymore😔


Taehyung closed his phone, laid it flat on his stomach and stared at the ceiling. Was Jungkook ignoring him on purpose? Was he too busy to answer back? The boy shrugged those thoughts off and decided to get ready for school.

Yes, his teacher was finally back to work after being sick for like a century.

After lazily walking down the stairs, the boy headed to the kitchen in order to make himself breakfast.

Taehyung then hopped in the shower, dressed up in a large red hoodie and black jeans and headed to school.


Jungkook chuckled to himself after reading the messages Taehyung sent him. He didn't actually think his new friend looked like his grandma, in fact, Kook thought he looked really handsome.

After thinking about Taehyung's face for a little too long, the black haired male sat up on his thin mattress and looked around.

The basement was really dark and only a thin ray of light entered by a window situated on the right of Jungkook's "bed".

The boy knew that what he was doing was really illegal, but there was no other option. He did try to get a job somewhere after getting kicked out of his house, but no one hired him due to his lack of experience and knowledge.

A loud sound of a door closing upstairs surprised Jungkook and he naturally jumped up to see if there were anyone remaining in the house.


No sound what so ever, he was finally alone!

"FINALLY!" He exclaimed and ran upstairs to their shower. Jungkook felt terrible about doing this but he would repay the family after becoming stable. He promised himself that he would.

As he got in, it immediately felt warmer and more comforting. Pleasure wasn't all he was feeling... it was also guilt.

Jungkook felt guilty for showering in someone else's bathroom. He knew he'd be so creeped out if someone lived in his basement. But he had no option.

The young adult finished his shower quickly dried off, cleaning anything suspicious in the shower.

He then went downstairs, paused.

The house was filled with the smell he adored the most.

A fresh baked cake like his mom used to make.

He dearly missed the heartwarming feeling he got when a decorated cake was sitting on the counter when he got back from school.

He really did...

But the past was in the past.

Yes, the thought of his parents seeing him as a disgrace was heartbreaking, but he had to think that if they couldn't accept him as he was, it would be impossible for him to stay in contact with them.

Jungkook tried to erase the sad memories trapped in his head and opened the door to the sad and dark place he now considered as his home.


Hehe waddup 🥰 sorry for the long ass wait if someone is even reading this story. Btw we're planning on making the chapters longer than this one:) hope you enjoyed hoes😌

-Writer Tata❤️

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