Chapter 6 Annoying lessons.

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It's finally the day when your lessons start Y/n wasn't really excited about that because he knew that he'll encounter team RWBY and that there wasn't a way to stop that. He got dressed, he didn't were the Beacon uniform because he dislikes it rather he wore something similar to what bikers weare. Y/n walked to his class it was history first. It whas thought by Professor Oobleck the crack drinking speedster.

(Dr. Oobleck)‘ It's Doctor Oobleck.‘

(Y/n)‘ But I didn't call you professor yet.‘

(Dr. Oobleck)‘ You were thinking about it. And why Mr. Y/n you aren't wearing your uniform.‘

(Y/n)‘Because a huntsman has to be always ready for a fight and these clothes are the most comfortable for me to fight in.‘ Profe- I mean doctor Oobleck was thinking about Y/n answer.

(Dr. Oobleck)‘ I'm going to let you go this time because you gave a good reason but I advise you to were your school uniform next time.‘

(Y/n)‘ Thank you Prof--- Doctor Oobleck I promise I will.‘ The bell rung so you found yourself a place in the back of the class as far away from were team RWBY sits. The lesson went by quickly, Y/n tried to leave for the next lesson as fast as he could so that he would avoid team RWBY.

(Ruby)‘ Hi Y/n!‘ Y/n almost screamed. He turned twords Ruby next to  her were Yang and Blake.

(Y/n)‘ Hi.‘

(Yang)‘ Have you been avoiding us Y/n, after the time you defeated Cardin and his team you didn't even tried to meet up with us.‘

(Y/n)‘ I didn't trie to avoid you, I just had a lot of things to take care of for the past few days. Actually today I would of tried to find you, Ruby, Jaune and have a nice quality time between friends.‘

(Ruby)‘ What about Weiss she is also your friend--.‘ Yang covered Rubys mouth.

(Y/n)‘ Sorry Ruby but I don't think that I will want to spend time with Weiss anytime soon.‘

(Yang)‘ We understand-' Looks at Ruby.‘- Right?‘ Ruby looked quite sad I guess she wanted to have all her friends to be on nice terms.

(Ruby)‘ Yes sorry for bringing that up.‘

Y/n thoughts- She does know that her bringing that up is like spilling some salt on the wound she had opened.

(Y/n)‘ It's fine. You did nothing wrong Ruby.‘ Y/n felt disgusted by his words. After just those words Ruby was already cheerful as ever.‘ Well we should get going if we don't want to be late to classes.‘

(Ruby)‘ What lesson do you have now?‘

(Y/n)‘ Grimm studies, Professor Port.‘
Yang wraps her hands around your hand.

(Yang)‘ What a coincidence we do to, why don't we all go together.‘

(Y/n)‘ But--'

(Ruby)‘ That‘s a great idea Yang lets go.‘ Yang drags Y/n while Ruby walks in front of them. Y/n looks back at Blake with a face that says help me. Blake show a paper that has written on it not my problem.

(Y/n)*whisper shouts*‘Traitor.‘

(Yang)‘ Hmm did you say anything Y/n?‘

(Y/n)‘ No I didn't. Yang you do know you don't have to do this.‘ He was referring to her having her hands wrapped around his hand.

(Yang)‘ It been so long since we had spent time together so I just don't want you to run of somewhere.‘

(Venom)*thoughts*Wow yandere much*. Well that's how the journey to Ports class went.

Ports lesson was ummm it was something Y/n isn't sure what it was because he was sitting next to Yang and she didn't stop speaking with him. At least it made the lesson more interesting but it didn't make it easier. Y/n had to sit trough the most boring lesson while sitting and having to talk to and act nice to the people that he would like to rippe the heads of it didn't help that Jaune was sitting near Y/n, Y/n didn't like him because of the lies he had spread around the school if you were wondering. But finally it was fighting time. It was Professor Glynda lesson. And because of having to go pick up your old weapon you were capable of escaping Yangs iron grip. Well it not like you need the wepoen you just did it to get an excuse for Yang to let go of you.
Y/n opened his locker and there stood his weapon a simple great sword. Well it was a bit longer than the usual great sword this one was 200cm long, normally a great sword goes from 160cm to 180cm, but because Y/n was quite tall, 198cm tall to be exact, he had his weapon made bigger, at least that is what he tells people, he actually useds such a large blade just because he can.

Y/n pick up his weapon and entered the Amphitheater(authors  note: you don't know how long it took to find what it was called) and went to the sit down in the sitting area. Y/n noticed team JNPR and RWBY enter the amphitheatre. He so wished to use Venom and turn himself invisible but he couldn't do that it might reveal what he is. They walk up to Y/n. Jaune used to be good buddies with Y/n if you haven't understood yet.

(Jaune)*nervous*‘Y/n long time no see, how it's going.‘

(Y/n)‘ As you can see Jaune pretty well. I'm back in Beacon and I was cured of cancer, life couldn't be going any better. How has Beacon been for you while I was gone.‘

(Jaune)‘ It's been going fine. Y/n can we sit with you?‘

(Y/n)‘ Sure you can.‘

(Venom)*thoughts* I'm going to shoryuken in the face Jaune if that what you mean.*

(Y/n)*whispers*'Shut it Venom.'

(Jaune)‘ Thanks.‘ he and his team sat down to your right while team RWBY to your right, Blake was the closest one to you then Yang, Ruby and the furthest Weiss.

And so the lesson started it went how you would expect. Some students dueled, while others waited an watched learning from how others fought.

(Glynda)‘ Mr. Y/n your going to be the next one to duel so go get ready.‘ You got down to the dueling arena area.‘ Now who will be facing you, hhmm you alone were capable of defeating a full team. Is there anyone here that wishes to duel with Y/n.‘ if not for Blake and Weiss stoping Ruby and Yang they would been the first one to volunteer.

(Pyrrha)‘ I would like to challenge him!‘

(Y/n)*thoughts*- why does it have to be you I already have half of the school hating me I don't want to have your fan club also against me.*

(Glynda)‘ Ms. Nikos please get ready for the duel.‘ Pyrrha entered the arena she was holding her weapons a spearn that can turn into a sword and a rifle, and on the other hand a shield.

(Pyrrha)‘ I was hoping that I could test my strenght against you soon, after I saw your fight with Cardin and his team.‘

(Y/n)‘ Well I was hoping that I wouldn't need to fight you at all.‘

(Pyrrha)‘ What I don't understand you don't you want to test your own strength.‘

(Y/n)‘ It's not really in my best interests to defeat you.‘

(Pyrrha)‘ You say it like you could defeat me easly.'

(Glynda)‘ Are both fighters ready.‘

(Pyrrha)‘ Ready.‘ Glynda looks at Y/n.

(Y/n)‘  Let's get this over with. I'm ready.‘

(Glynda)‘ Begin!‘

Ha a cliff hanger you will have to wait for the fight a lite longer.

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