Chapter 1 Getting familiar with new friend.

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Y/n wakes up at his apartment wearing different clothes then he did yesterday he thinks that is weird he tries to remember what happened after he got in to the church but he can't, trying to remember give him a head ache. So he drops the matter for now and turns on the TV. At the moment the new were shown.

(Female reporter)‘ We just got the reports of last nights incident. Last night after midnight-' Y/n after the word midnight gor a head ache as visions started to fill his head of darkness engulfing him while a bell rings.‘- there were reports of a large black figure stoping a dust shop robbery. The men that were robbing the shop are reported to be dead. Cause of death there heads were opened, and it seems there brains were removed-' After the word brains Y/n got hungry he went to the fridge inside it was just some milk and an chocolate anniversary cake. oh yeah the day his girlfriend dumped him was there anniversary  Y/n looked at his kitchen counter to see a red rose bouquet. It made Y/n angry so he punched the fridge he expected the fridge to be fine because he was losing his strength because of the cancer  but the fridge wasn't fine, Y/n punched with such force that his hand went trough the fridge door. He looked suprised but than he remembered that he was still hungry so he picked up the cake and toke a bite. Y/n wasn't the biggest fan of chocolate cakes but this one for some reason tasted irresistibly, Y/n couldn't stop eating until he finished it. Y/n looked at himself questioning what just happened.

(Y/n)‘ The way I ate just now was disgusting.‘ His face was covered in chocolate. He went to his bathroom to wash his face. He got to the sink turned on the tap and slashed some water on his face he looked at the mirror he expected to see his image but he saw a black head with large white eyes and a giant mouth with a long tongue and sharp teeth. Y/n looked behind himself expecting the monster to be behind him but the bathroom was empty. Y/n looked back at the mirror this time he only saw his face. For a bit Y/n was terrified but he brushed of the incident as lack of sleep and all the stress. Y/n got a quick shower. A strange thing happened again before the shower he was aabout to take his cloths of but when he tried they were already gone. Y/n again brushed it of and just got a shower. After the shower Y/n thought about were his cloths went. He didn't see them in the bathroom. He went out of the bathroom to his bedroom and searched for new cloths while doing so he remembered his black jacket with white stripes it was ruined during a training mach with team RWBY. That jacket was his favourite, those memories made him angry so he picked up the cabinet and trew it at the wall. But he felt like he was wearing something so he looked down on himself, and you guest it he was wearing his favourite jacket some blue jeans that had a chain going out of the pocket and brown boots. He was about to looked at a mirror but he hesitated for a second because he thought what if we see that image again. But soon he got the courage to look at the mirror and thank oum he didn't see anything weird just a really handsome and muscular guy that looked completely healthy. Wait healthy he doesn't remember looking this good for the past week, since that day. And especially not yesterday, yesterday he looked like complete trash. He started to think about all the weird things that happened today. He walked out of his bedroom and went in to the living room were he saw his weights that he wasn't able to lift. He went up to them end picked one of the weights he was surprised at how light it felt. Y/n had remembered the trouble of just lifting them up like this. Y/n decided to do something really stupid for a man that was sick with cancer. He laid dow on the bench griped the bar. He had put on weights that weighed in total around 3,500 kg. He lifted them to get them of the stands that were holding it from falling and he started to lover them than lif them again and repeated that for 10 minutes until he diceded it was enough so he put the bar back in it's place. Y/n was surprised at his returned strength. It wasn't just returned strength he seemed to gotten even stronger than before. He decided that he was going to go see the doctor for a check up for his cancer. He picked up his apartment key and went out to the city to the doctors office. Y/n only noticed how late it was when he got outside it was already evening that surprised him so he checked his scroll for the time and yes it showed that it was 8 pm. Y/n thought about all the hospital and that it would be to late to go to any of them but then he remembered his old acquaintance that could help with that so he set out for his lab. Y/n was walking trought the side walk as the people he wanted to see the least stood just up ahead those people were Ruby Rose and Yang xiao long. Y/n was about to make a break and run to the other side of the road.

(Ruby)‘ Look Yang isn't that Y/n?‘

(Yang)‘ Were? Oh i see were. Yes it is him.‘

(Ruby)‘ Let's go say hi.‘

(Yang)‘ Sure.' Y/n as fast as he could crossed the street almost getting hit by some of the cars when he got to the other side he tried to disappear in the crowd but it didn't really work because of his height he made a run trough the crowd because he saw them also crossing the street. Y/n ran trought the crowd he took a turn, a bit later another one, he got to increase his running spead because there were less people on this streets side walk. He took another turn, Y/n was pretty close to the place were the doctors lab is and he thought he lost Yang and Ruby so he took a rest. As he tried to hold back the need to return find Yang and Ruby and bash those faces in.

(Ruby)‘ Hi Y/n how is going!‘ Ruby shouted from behind him. Y/n actually screamed not like a girl but still a scream. Both Ruby and Yang laughed.

(Y/n)*talking through gritted teeth*‘ I'm  good.‘

(Yang)‘ You don't seem so it looked that you were running from some one. Were you running from us?‘

(Ruby)‘ What are you saying why would Y/n run from us we are his friends.‘

(Y/n)*still trough gritted teeth*‘ Yeah Yang, Ruby is right why would I do that. I was just in a rush it's getting late and with what was shown on the New today I just didn't want to stay late outside.‘

(Yang)‘ Ah that explains it whit your condition you aren't capable of fighting so you rather stay out of harms way.‘

(Y/n)*almost screamed out these word Y/n*‘ Yes exactly, now if you please let me go I'm in a rush.‘ Y/n pushed Yang from blocking his way.

(Ruby)‘ Wait I know, Y/n why don't you let us go with you. It will be safer for you.‘

(Y/n)‘ I don't think that's neces-'

(Yang)‘ That's a great idea Ruby. Let's do so.‘

(Y/n)‘ Do I get any say in this?‘

(Ruby and Yang)‘ No.‘

(Y/n)‘ But I really don-.‘

(Ruby)‘ No buts we have decided to help a helpless citizen out, there isn't any thing that will stop this hunteress from doing so.‘

(Yang)‘ Well said Ruby. Now Y/n lead the way.‘ Y/n started to walk twords the lab again but this time he had two people with him

(Yang)‘ So how been things going you know after you were trown out of Beacon?‘

No Y/n you can't rippe there heads of.

But we want so bad to do it.

There is to many people. And it's not the time.
(Y/n)‘ I'm doing just fine.‘

(Yang)‘ If anything is going wrong we are here we will listen to you if you need us to, we are friends after all.‘
Friends don't talk about each other behind there back and don't spread falls rumours.

Let's Ripe her hair of for that.

No not yet let's first make her trust us then we strike.

Oooh we like that. But it's soo long to wait we want to kill someone now.

(Ruby)‘ Remnant to Y/n, You still there.‘

(Y/n)‘ Ahh Yes sorry just dozed  of. What was your question.‘

Did I always had a second voice in my head?

(Ruby)‘ We said that we were worried about you Y/n and your healt.‘

(Y/n)‘ Well you can see I'm totally fine so there no need to worry.‘

You should be more worried about yourself hehehahah.

(Y/n)‘ Well this is it thank you for taking your time to walk me to here.‘

(Ruby)‘ It was our pleasure. Bay Y/n.‘

(Yang)‘ Later Y/n.‘

(Y/n)‘ Goodbye Ruby, Yang.‘

I opened the door and went insede the lab building. I walked up to the second door and range the bell. A voice came from the other side.

(???)‘ just a second.‘ soon you heard footsteps and the door was opened by a midle aged man in a lab coat.‘ Oh it's you Y/n long time no see.‘

(Y/n)‘ Hi Curtis Conner, I'm not wrong right.‘

(Curt)‘ Yes yes,that's me and drop the formality, Curt is good enough, we are friends after all.‘

(Y/n)‘ I thought you wouldn't whant--.‘

(Curt)‘ You thought I would abandon you just because that scandal, do you think so low of me. You are a friend who helped me get the investor for my research I will be alway in your depth. I don't care what others think about you.‘

(Y/n)‘ Thanks Curt there isn't many people left in this world that would do that for me so I'm grateful.‘

(Curt)‘ Come in I'll get some tea ready.‘ He opens the lab door behind himself and we walk in. He leads me to the sofa that is at the side of the lab. The lab is quiet big filled with all kinds of equipment. I had sat down at the sofa. As Curt was getting the tea ready.
(Curt)‘ So I'm guessing it hasn't been easy on you Y/n the past week.‘

(Y/n)‘ No it hasn't. Cur I almost comited suicide yesterday.‘*laughs*

(Curt)‘ That's not a laughing matter Y/n if it's hard on you I could arrange a job here for you.‘

(Y/n)‘ There is no need. Curt you know that I been sick with cancer don't you.‘

(Curt)‘ Yes I have heard that and what about that.‘

(Y/n)‘ Curt can a person with my tipe of cancer be capable of benche pressing 3,500 kg.‘

(Curt)‘ No that's impossible. Why do you ask Y/n?‘

(Y/n)‘ Well this morning before I got here I did that.‘

(Curt)‘ Maybe it was some sort of fluke. You were a Huntsman in training so maybe the cancer worked slower on you because of your aura. And it had you recover enough strength to lift it few time.‘

(Y/n)‘ Curt I did it for straight 10 minutes.‘

(Curt)‘ What?‘

(Y/n)‘ That's why I came to you could you rune some tests on me to check for my condition?‘ He quickly got up.

(Curt)‘Let's go.‘ he ran to the midle of the lab were there was a chair.

(Curt)‘ Sit in it.‘ Y/n sat down and Curt started doing test on Y/n. He had him connected to allot of different machines. That showed strange thing one them. Curt was quickly reading what they were saying. About half an hour latter he held the full analysis.

(Curt)‘ I don't know how to say this, but Y/n your cancer is gone, ther isn't any trace left of it.‘

(Y/n)‘ That's great.‘

(Curt)‘ Y/n how did this happen, what did you do?‘

(Y/n)‘ I didn't do nothing, just went to a church, and I guess oum finally gave me some luck.‘ Y/n got up from the seat.‘ Well Curt thanks for the help. But I have to go.‘ Y/n started to head twords the exit.

(Curt)‘ Wait Y/n what will you do about this.‘

(Y/n)‘ About what?‘

(Curt)‘ People don't just miracle heal from a disease like that. Some one might get suspicious, and that might lead to complications.‘

(Y/n)‘ That's why I hope you will keep it quiet about this my friens.‘

Curt seemed to think for a moment.

(Curt)‘ Sure thing Y/n.‘

(Y/n)‘ Well I really have to go now so bey.‘ Curt was leaningon the lab table

(Curt)‘ Bey.‘ when Y/n left curt pulled out a blood vail labelled Y/n.‘ Thanks Y/n for furthering my research again.‘ during the test Curt had find out that Y/n blood had gained the regenerative power similar to a lizards but alot greater than it. His regeneration wasn't slow like a lizards it was almost instant Y/n could regrow a hand in seconds. Curt had been working on this for years finally when he gets it out of Y/n blood and recreates something similarl with the regenerative part of lizards blood he will be successful on getting his hand back.
After Y/n left Doctor Curts lab he started to head home through now dark and emty walkways. Y/n didn't want to stay outside for loong so he took a short cut. But it was just his look as some white fang thugs, four to be exact, followed him. Y/n somehow sensed them he didn't understand how but he knew that they were there. One of the thugs a deer faunus pointed a gun at Y/n

(Deer faunus)‘ Hands behind your head scum.‘

(Y/n)‘ We ain't your mother.‘ The other faunus snickered at your remark.

(Deer faunus)‘ What! Do you think we are playing games here.‘

(Y/n)‘ Okay okay I'm raising my hands up don't shoot me.‘

(Bear faunus)‘ Smart choice.‘ Y/n turned tword them.‘ who said you can turn tword us.‘

(Y/n)‘ Who said I can't.‘ this made the bear faunus angry as it ran up to me an pistol whipped me.

(Bear faunus)‘ What now smartass?‘

(Y/n)*voice getting more monster like than human**laughs*‘ You shouldn't hurt us, we hurt those that angers us.‘

(Fox faunus)‘ Maybe we shouldn't be doing this he doesn't seem to be normal.‘

(Bear faunus)‘ And what will he do to us he is defenceless against us.‘

Y/n starts to get covered by Venom.

(Bat faunus)‘ What is happening to him, that doesn't look normal.‘

Y/n steps in to the dark shadows and makes the symbiot make him invisible, it's invisible to faunus to not just humans. The symbiot finally forms in to what you would considered it's true form, or the preferred one.

(Bear faunus)‘ open fire!‘

They start to shoot at were Y/n just was. But none of the shots hit Y/n but the group of faunus heard a saund like something biting somthing of  like it was biting trough bone it also sounded really squishy. The group of faunus stopped firing in every direction and started to frantically look around. To there fear they noticed only three were left standing. The bat faunus was laying on the ground without a head.

(Fox faunus)‘ What the fu-' Gurgling noise replaced the faunus words. The other two faunus look at the fox faunus and saw a large 3 meters tall black figure standings there, it had stabbed its finger trough the faunus neck.

(Deer faunus)‘ You monster!‘ opens fire at the black being.

The black giant doesn't react to the bullets that hit him. He is just interested about his victim that is squirming in his hand. He can smell the fear the adrenaline coming from it so he opens wide and bites down on the fox faunus.

(Bear faunus)‘ Shit this isn't working what do we do?‘

The monster turns and looks at them. And with a distorted voice tells.

(Y/n-Venom)‘ Drop dead.‘ He jumps at the bear faunus sinking his teeth in to the faunus shoulder. The deer faunus screams drops his weapon and make a run for it. While Venom pick up the still breathing bear faunus and starts slowly crushing his finger one by one the bear faunus screams while this is done to him. After there no fingers left to break on the faunus hand Venom just bites of all of the faunus fingers.

(Bear faunus)‘ No!‘

Venom drops the faunus, when the faunus hits the ground he starts crawling away. But Venom steps on his leg and crushes it.

(Y/n-Venom)‘ We aren't done with you.‘

(Bear faunus)‘ Please, please I beg of you let me go I have a family.‘

(Y/n-Venom)*laughs*‘ A father like you isn't necessary.‘ Venom crushes the other leg of the faunus.‘ Now I wonder how do your brains tastes?
(Bear faunus)‘ Nonono, Noo!-' squish and the screaming desapears, after it comes some chewing, and then nothing, quiet. We switch to the next alleyway were Venom lands and starts to revert back to Y/n. Because of the new and unfamiliar processes happening Y/n fall down next to a car a light post is shining above him. There wasn't left any of the symbiot on Y/n, so he started to get up. Y/n looked at his arms checking if everything was normal. His hands seemed normal, he checked his body it was normal he. Y/n started to touch his face,but it also was normal. That had calmed down Y/n. Y/n put a han on the cars that stood next to him roof, he had looked at the window of that car and he jumped back, in it he saw the image of Venom. Something in his head screamed unleash yourself. Y/n didn't understand what that voice meant.
Run wild! Rip and tear! Kill all enemies! Rip and tear!
Huge bloodlust consumed Y/ns mind. Y/n smiled.
(Y/n)‘ Let's go kill some white fang for us.‘
Yes, yes! Kill, tear, kill, kill, tear, fun fun!
(Y/n)‘ It will be fun, for us.‘ Venom covered Y/n but this time Y/n and the symbiot were one. They finaly were the full Venom.

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