Part 53

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Later that afternoon the nurse came round once again checking on Emma saying that she was free to go aslong as she didn't do much for the next day atleast to give her body some time to recover. Aston had brought his car with him this morning after going home to get Emma some clothes to get chanegd into instead of being in hospital clothes. The car journey hoem was silent neither of them knowing what to say to each other lukily the paps didn't find out what hospital Emma was in they had found out that Emma was rushed to hospital as a Pap was outside Emma's work when she was taken in. Earlier in the morning Aston had asked Emma if she would mind him tweeting to confirm it as he had been told my managment that it would be easier if they knew especially as the boys had been tweeting messages:

* Hope you are okay babe @1993Emma_ Marv x*

* Really hope @1993Emma_ is okay we miss you Jx*

* Get better soon @1993Emma_ Ori x*

As they got home they were swammped by paps at their house Aston got out first grabbing Emma's bag before helping her out of the car and ushered her into the house. When they got in Aston put her bags down in the hallway as she went into the living room slumping into a heap on the sofa 'want a cup of tea ' Aston called from the kitchen after a few moments he hadn't had a replyso he walked into the leaving room seeing Emma with her legs pulled into her chest and sobbing her heart out. He walked over to her pulling her into his chest as she continued to cry as the tears fell harder and harder.

Aston POV

I went into the kitchen going to make us both a cuppa I called 'want a cup of tea' but I hadn;t had a reply so I went into the living room to shee her with her legs pulled into her chest and sobbing her heart out it shattered my heart into a million pieces seeing her like this knowing that there was nothing that I could do to get rid of the pain. I sat down next to her a pulled her into my chest as the tears got worse.'I'm so sorry' I whispered into her hair as I continued to kiss it and stroke it in an attempt to try and calm her down because she was so upset I was worried she was going to have a panic attack or start to hyperventilate. 'Why are you sorry I should be saying it to you I was the one who couldn't keep my promise' she said sobbing into my chest still. I tutted 'Baby you couldn;t have done anything' I said as the tears started to fall down my cheeks she was ripping my heart out thinking that she was to blame and not keeping her promise. We sat there crying with each other for atleast an hour before we fell asleep curled up with each other.

Hey Guys,

Hope you are enjoying this fanfic it now has over 3,000 reads which I am so happy about :) I know this part is short but I promise the next part will make up for it as it is superlong if I remember correctly 4 pages long :P Okay so I have decided that I am going to start to write another fanfic ready for when this one has finished as I won’t have much time to write next year and when I said I was going to stop people asked me if I could still write so I am going to write one or two more but post them after this one. I have the start of three fanfics so I will put them here are if you comment/tweet me telling me which one you want me to post I will start writing that one. Also thoughs on sex scenes was thinking about trying to write one but what do u think?

Thanks Emma

Fanfic 1 – Proud

Okay let me introduce myself my full name is Aston Iain Merrygold. I’m 24 and my birthday is on 13th February. As you may know I am in a boy band which a very big in the UK called JLS. I am in this band with my three best friends JB, Oriste and Marvin. The press and the fans think they know everything about my life but they have no idea I have one secret and its huge. The truth is only known by myself, my family, the boys, my very close friends and my management. So you are probably wondering why I don’t just tell everyone its not that I’m scared because I would take everything that comes with everyone finding out its more of a question of protecting. Okay so you want to know what this big secret is here you go I have a daughter. Her name is Louise Merrygold and she is 4 years old now. You are probably trying to work out why I am single then and where her Mum is. This is the part that hurts Louise’s Mum died just after giving birth I was and still an heartbroken I truly loved her. Her name was Louise which I was why I called our daughter after her. So yeah that’s why I’m still single more recently I have been thinking about trying to get back into a relationship or even just dating but I just think about how it was with Louise. Let me take you back 5 years to where it all started and it might become more clear for you…

Fanfic 2 – I'm Pretending I'm Glad You Went Away

Hi I’m Emma, 24 years old living in London as PA and currently living in one big hell hole. You are probably thinking what is so bad about my life that makes is so bad at a young age well where do I start? Firstly I am in a job that I hate my boss is a 60 year old creep who I swear he hired my just so he can stare at my ass all day. Secondly I suffer from depression which is horrible I have been suffering with it since I was 17 and it has never improved. Finally I pushed the one person that truly cared and loved me away which is the biggest thing that makes my life sucks. I haven’t seen him in 3 years now hes made so many pleas for me to see him or speak to him but I cant do it. In some ways I guess I do owe it to him I mean we had the perfect relationship everything was going so well until he proposed and I just couldn’t do it to him.

Fanfic 3 – Invisible

I logged onto twitter sending my usual *moooorrning Ax* tweet before going onto Emma’s twitter page like I did about five times a day. She had no idea about this we hadn’t even met but I think I may be in love with her already she was so beautiful. We didn’t follow her because I was worried she would change what she would tweet just because we were following her. Some of her tweets worried the hell out of me wanting me to just take her away from everything and get her to be my girl. We were on the tour bus on our way to Exeter for our Penultimate gig of the Summer Tour shows and it’s safe to say I was feeling it a bit after partying hard last night but I smiled to myself knowing that Emma may be feeling the same after seeing her tweet * Gsys I an a vit brunk * last night as two new tweets came up on her timeline the first one say *Apparently I was declaring my undying love for you last night Ast @JLSOfficial I can't remember this* I laughed to myself thinking if only she knew I felt the same about her and another one saying she was on the way to Exeter. Looking at her name and it clicked in my head OMFG she is going to be at the show today I hope to god I got to see her…

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