Part 14

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They were all bantering all through breakfast and once they had all finished Emma got a bbm – So we gonna tell them? Cxx she replied back – Yeah go for it Exx. ‘So we have some news for you lot’ Emma said and nodded at Chloe for her to tell them, ‘So me and Emma are moving to London in a weeks time’ Chloe sqweeled ‘What? Wait Why? Your gonna be closer to me now babe’ Marvin said ‘I know’ Chloe said. ‘Well we got a job here and the pay is so much better and they pay for our house for the first three years of our contract’ Emma explained ‘WOW you have a good deal going on there’ Reesh replied ‘Yeah we couldn’t believe it when we got the job offer its unreal’ Chloe said smiling ‘So where you two going to be working then?’ Aston asked genuinely interested ‘Movida’ Chloe replied ‘and no Ast its not dancing or anything like that before you get any ideas we are the new event managers so we work there during teh day with the odd night here and there’ Emma swiftly continued ‘Aww was hoping to see you in a sexy dress again’ Aston said pouting. ‘Well done you two’ Abi said giving them both a hug. ’OMG thats amazing is you know who coming too?’ Erin asked ‘Yeah’ ‘Whos you know who?’ Aston asked confuzzled. Emma didn’t reply ‘Boyfriend? Brother? Another friend?’ Aston kept guessing Emma looked at her phone avoiding the question when a bbm conversation came up…….

BBM convo

C – Your going to have to tell him he’s gonna find out soon enough

E – I know I’m just scared

Er – He really likes you Emma it won’t change his opinion of you

A – Shes right and if it does we are gonna have to beat him up

E – They are all gonna think i’m a right slag

C- No they wont come on don’t leave him hanging

A – We are all here for you

Chloe has left the conversation

Erin has left the conversation

Abi has left the conversation

‘Emma go on’ Chloe whispered in her ear squeezing her hand for support. ‘Okay I will tell you. You know earlier when I was talking about how I wouldn’t go out with you because of my baggage?’ Emma started ‘Yeah what about it?’ Aston asked confused. ‘Well it comes in the form of an 11 month year old girl called Lilly Mae’ Emma managed to get out before the tears became too much for her and she burst into the toilets running away from it all…………………

Everybody In Love - JLS Fanfic (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora