Part 52

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Aston POV

I got to the airport boarding the first flight to the UK getting on the plane not being able to sleep the whole flight worried about Emma and grieving the loss of the baby. I feel guilty as hell for leaving Emma for LA its my fault we have no longer got our baby. As soon as we landed and I got into the terminal the paps out in force as I got paped going to the airport in LA. I had been told about an article that the paps had written saying that me and the boys have had a huge argument and I have left the band I couldn't help but laugh at this one no matter how much I hurt I had to tweet *Paps got it wrong again I haven't left the band Ax* whilst I got into a taxi straight to the hospital.

Aston ran into the hospital barging through teh doors to the reception 'Emma Warren,,, where is she?' I said running to the reception as I saw Chloe who grabbed my hand as we ran down a few corridors and then I saw Emma she looked so pale and tubes coming out of here and wires attached to her everywhere it was horrible to see her like this. At that point the doctor came out and came over to me 'Hello, Mr Merrygold would you like me to explain everything with you or do you want to hear it with Emma?' he asked politely as I shoke his hand. 'I will go in and hear it with Emma' he nodded his head as we walked in. I went straight over to Emma who moved her head to look as me and I stroke her cheek 'Hey' I whispered wiping the tears that were falling rapidly from here eyes 'Its gone Ast our baby has gone' she cried into my shoulder. 'I know babe I know' I said sighing feeling the tears welling up in my eyes to as I stroked her hair. We both heard a slight cough causing us to pull out of our embrace and start to look at the Doctor.

'Okay, Miss Warren the reason you fainted at work was because you had internal bleeding which we have managed to controll now and all stiched up. However this unfortunatly this caused you to have your misscarriage I am so sorry for your lost. I examined you after the operation and you have carried out the misscarriage completly so you will not feel it anymore but you may feel a bit of pain in your lower abdomen where you had your internal bleeding and where we have had to stich you up. You are free to go later on today but you have to take it easy probably best to stay in for teh first couple of days then build it up. I will need to see you again in two weeks time to check that you have healed properly apart from that you also need to take these medications twice a day just to help you with the pain' The doctor explained smiling at them which the returned with a small smile 'Is there any questions that either of you want to ask me?' he asked. Emma shook her head but Aston asked 'Is this going to affect our chances of having a baby in the future?' Aston squeezed Emma's hand to show support. He knew that she wanted to know this but didn't want to ask. 'It may make it harder to concieve but once you get pregnant it won't affect Miss Warren from carrying full term.' he replied smiling before leaving the two of them to be alone after everything that has gone one over the past few days.


Okay I know this part isn't that long sorry but a really long part coming very soon defo no part tomorrow because I am going to see JLS eeep (not that I am at all excited) will try and post on Sunday or Monday xx

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