Part 42

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Aston pov

i have just got to tesco i pulled up an put my hoodie up and sunglasses so no one would see me i ran towards the pharmacy and saw the lady that worked there

pharmasist:hello how can i help

me:hi i would like 3 pregnancy test please

pharmasist:ok that will be £25 please

me:hear u go

i ran back to the car and made my way home to emma 20mins latter i just got in the door when lilly came running up to me and hugged my legs i bent down to pick her up

me:lilly wheres mummy

lilly:up ears

me:hahah ok darlin

i put lilly down and ran up to the bathroom to where emma was sat on the edge of the bath i passed her the test emma:stay ast

me:im not goin anywhere ok we are in this together for ever ok i love u

emma:love you

4mins latter

me:whats it say babe

emma:i cant look u look

me:ok pass it here

emma:what it say

me:were having a baby

emma:you wont do what lilly dad did will you

me:i would never ever dream of doing that i love you too much

Emma:love u too

Emma pov

wow so I’m pregnant again wow i dunno if I’m happy or sad u know after every think that went on with lilly but me and aston are having a baby together wow i cant believe it but i know aston will stand by me forever and a day i just hope this pregnancy will be a quick one not like with lilly and i just worried how our parents will take the news i hope they both ok with it

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