Part 25

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Marvins POV

‘I’m pregnant’ she whispered it didn’t sink in straight away I just continued to hug her a thousand thoughts were going round my head but much to my surprise none of them bad I suddenly got really excited. Then I couldn’t say anything I was just so happy I finally managed to whisper ‘WOW’ as a huge grin crept over my face. I knew it was fast as we hadn’t even had our first date but I really felt something for Chloe. It then hit me I think I actually love her its crazy but I honestly do. I saw Chloe look up to me I then sat down on the sofa with Chloe snuggled into my chest I put one arm around her shoulders and one arm on my lap but put my hand on her stomach its crazy to think that our baby was inside of her. ‘So you aren’t mad?’ Chloe asked looking up to me ‘I could never be mad and the women who is carrying my baby’ I replied giving her a quick peck on the lips ‘I was so worried about telling you been worrying it about it all week’ ‘Babe you shouldn’t be worried you should have told me instead of putting stress on yourself and the baby’ ‘I know I’m sorry babe I;m just glad that you want it like me it might be quick but I’m so happy you make me feel like no one else has before’ I couldn;t help but smiling at this point ‘I feel the same way but can I ask you something and you not get mad at me?’ ‘Okay I’m getting worried now Marv what do you want to ask me?’ she said with tears forming in her eyes i hugged her tightly before taking a deep breath in ‘Don;t cry babe its nothing to worry about I just want to make sure it is what you want I know you are still young and we haven’t even told our parents I just don;t want you to feel like you have to do anything for me’ ‘No I want this baby yes its sooner than I planned I couldn’t get rid of our baby we have about 8 months to properly get know each other’ She was right but I would have never forgiven myself if she was only keeping the baby to keep me happy and end up hating me for it. ‘Have you booked a scan yet?’ ‘Yeah the day after you get back from tour I hope that’s okay I just thought it could fit in with your schedule but we can change it if you want’ Chloe said with a hint on panic in her voice ‘Babe calm down its fine I can;t wait already and you might think this is too soon but when you get closer to your due date would you move in with me permanently? I understand if you didn’t want to or think about it but ……’ I was cut off by her lips crushing onto mine. ‘I would love to I couldn’t stand the fact that we were not all together do you think we should confirm our relationship now?’ ‘You sure babe?’ I asked ‘Yeah I;m sure’ she said kissing me on my cheek before handing me her I pad I logged onto our twitter composing a tweet * Okay guys just wanted to let you know I have a girlfriend called Chloe I am very happy please be happy for us Marv x * We then cuddled up on the sofa and started watching a film having odd kisses here and there ngl I really could get used to this. We got about half way through the film before I realised Chloe had fallen asleep so I carefully moved myself away from her and turned the TV off before carrying her to her room. As I carefully pulled the covers over her she began to stir ‘Can you stay with me?’ she asked me ‘Of course I will babe I will just check on Lily for you and write Emma a note telling her we’ve gone to bed’ which I did before going back into her room, stripping down to my boxers and getting into her bed as she snuggled into my chest as we both quietly fell asleep

Everybody In Love - JLS Fanfic (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora