Part 54

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Okay so I am now back at college so I will not be able to post as often so parts wont be as regular but the parts will hopefully be a lot longer. I will be posting on a Friday and possibly some Tuesdays depending on how much work I have to do. For those that didn't go to the Summer Tour seriously check out the video on the side she was one of the support acts and is amazing. I will be taking requests for the next fanfic until the 15th of Sept so keep voting but as it stands at the moment my next fanfic will be invisible . And vote and comment please I love getting your feedback  anyway enjoy xx<3

'I'm going to go for a little walk need some fresh air' Emma said getting up out of Aston's grip shoving her hair back  in a scruffy bun and putting on some trackies, top and a hoody. 'You want me to join you?' Ast asked looking up at Emma. 'No offence Ast but I think I just need some time on my own to think everything over that has happened the past few days' Emma said putting her trainers up grabbing her bag and a pair of sunglasses because no doubt there would be paps following her every move like they have been ever since Aston flew back from LA to be with her. They hadn't told the press or anyone about the miscarriage yet well they hadn;t even talked about it they both knew at the back of their minds that they would have to tell the public at some point but for the time being they just had to get their heads around it for themselves and try to move on from it.

Emma POV

After two days of just sitting on the sofa or in bed doing nothing apart from thinking and crying with Aston I felt that I needed to get out of the house or I think I may go crazy. 'I'm going to go for a little walk need some fresh air' I told Aston removing myself from Aston's grip and getting up and off the bed scraping my hair back and putting on my 'scruffs' as I liked to call them. Aston asked me if I wanted him I declined I think I just needed to be on my own to collect my thoughts really about everything that has happened. I grabbed my bag and sunglasses not wanting to be papped crying if that happened as we hadn't told anyone apart from the gang and our Parents. I walked out the house promising Aston that I would be back by 2am as it was now 10pm I didn't know where I was planning on going. I got out the house and got a million flashes in my face barging past them I started to walk down our road. After walking about 15 minutes I couldn't take the press following me so I saw a pub down the road deciding to go into there hoping that they would leave and I could continue my walk. I reached the pub and walked into it deciding to order a drink to use up some time so I sat at the bar ordering a double vodka and coke downing it in one ordering another one. After 5 more I was beginning to get a bit tipsy but the pain that I was feeling was slowly going so I told the bartender to keep them coming.  Shortly after 1am they rang the bell indicating that it was the last hours so I decided to finish my last drink and start to head home. I have no idea how many drinks I have had but it is safe to say I am well and truly pissed and I could defiantly not walk in a straight line. I walked up the same path that I took earlier trying to act sober for when I got into the house although I was hoping that Aston was in bed asleep so I could just get in and sleep before the alcohol stops to block the pain.

'F*ck' I muttered to myself as I had forgotten my keys nice one Emma and there is no spare outside hidden. I was really beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol now  as I pressed the doorbell seeing our bedroom light being turned I lent against the side of our door entrance for support whilst I waited for Aston to come and open up

Aston POV

Emma went out earlier for some air to be honest I was really worried it had got to about 10 and she still wasn't back yet but I was beat so I gave up and went to bed. I woke up to our doorbell ringing looking  over to the clock seeing it was 1.38am I begrudgingly got up and went down to the door looking through the peep hole and seeing it was Emma I opened it straight away. 'Hey babe' Emma slurred as I opened the door oh great she's drunk she stumbled in tripping over her own feet as she walked in the house luckily I caught her as she started giggling she was always like this when she was drunk. I slung her over my shoulder carefully so that she was in a fire mans lift taking her shoes off  and carrying her to our bed putting her on the bed as she passed out. I sighed to myself I was getting more angry with myself now seeing in what I state she was in I shouldn't have let her go out on her own when she was so upset. I pulled the duvet over her quickly jogging downstairs getting a glass of water and painkillers setting them on the side ready for Emma in the morning knowing what a hangover she would have as she never was good at handling her drink before getting back into bed falling into a restless nights sleep.

Everybody In Love - JLS Fanfic (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ