Part 1

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BBM conversation

E – I can’t believe we are finally going to see JLS on tour adjbhkSDAGSvdjasbfhbafbsdkhb sooooo excited

C – I know sooo excited just waiting at the train station ready to go to Cardiff baby :D

A – Ha already waiting can’t wait to finally see you guys face to face

Er- I know so were meeting out the back to try and meet them right?


E – Bagsie Aston :P xx

Er- Trust you :P

A – That’s fine I’m having Reesh

C- Right my trains here see you in a bit girls xx

E- Okay I’m off girls see you soon ahhhhh xx

A couple of hours later outside the Cardiff Motorpoint Arena

‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’ All four girls ran towards each other giving each other huge hugs as this was the first time they had all met face to face. They hadn’t even had time to finish hugging each other before they realised who had just walked passed them….

‘Look watch this boys’ Aston said as he opened the door slightly so they could all see them.

‘3,2,1’ Aston continued as he saw all there faces light up then drop. ‘OMG guys JLS just walked past us and we didn’t even realise we are never going to meet them’ the girl in a green strappy top and jeans said. JB was looking at the four girls they all had miserable faces on them after they had got over the excitment of the fact that they had just walked passed them. Marv then turned to the boys, ‘You know we are gonna have to go out and see them? Its 8 in the morning and they didn’t realise bless them’ ‘You’re right’ Aston said as they started sneaking up behind them as they all had their backs to them as they were taking a group picture they stood behind them and pulled funny faces so that when they looked at the picture they would realise who was behind them.

Aston POV

I love moments like this when we walk past fans and they don’t realise straight away. There was a group of four girls I guess about 18/19. There was only girl about 5ft not gonna lie looked hot from behind I mean if you saw her bum yum :P she was wearing jeans and a blue strappy top (guess she was a blue girl RESULT !). The other girl was a bit taller than the girl in blue and was wearing a green strappy top (guess she was a Marv fan) with jeans. There was another girl was wearing a black and white dotty playsuit and I couldn’t help but notice Reesh oogling over her LOL then other girl seemed a bit more shy with her body language she reminded me of the female version of Jaybes she was more covered up than the others wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Man they are dedicated its 8am and we didn’t even know we were going to be here this early this is what I love about JLSters. I never guessed that they would get so upset normally they go mad about the fact that we have walked passed them. I have never seen someone’s facial expressions changes so dramatically so quickly.

Emma POV

I can’t believe we are finally here I am so excited for tonight we got here extra early so that we wouldn’t miss the boys and we did so gutting. I know I have sorta met Reesh and JB before but I want to meet them properly. I hope they come back out later so that we can meet them.

Chloe POV

I can’t believe I am finally going to a JLS concert woooooopppppp!!! I tell you what they better come back out I am sooooo gutted we met them I went hyper at first when I realised who had just walked passed us but then it hit me that we had missed out chance of meeting them

Erin POV

I can’t believe I have finally met the girls face to face its not the same as DMing each other all the time it’s going to be such a fun day of constant fangirling then the concert tonight. It hasn’t truly sunk in that tonight we are going to be in the same room as them. The girls are all upset about us missing JLS but I recon they will come out again so I’m trying not to get too upset over it


I can’t believe we have missed JLS :( my face dropped as soon as we got over the excitement but I hope that they come out again so excited for tonight though 4th Dimension Tour here we come

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