Chapter 5

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We arrived what looks like just a normal blue house. We went and hide in the bushes while Cartman talked us down.

Cartman: "There it is. The Inn of the Giggling Donkey. Paladin, are you sure the Bard is hiding out in there?"
Butters: "That's what Twitter says."

Cartman: "CARRIER RAVEN, Butters!"
Butters: "So-sorry, that's what the carrier raven says."
Cartman: "Craig and Token, guard the back door. Butters, Kenny, Sir Douchebag... let's go inside."

We began to follow him in the house, when we get inside the place looks just like a bar.

Cartman: "Stay close, Sir Douchebag. The Inn of the Giggling Donkey harbors the scum of all Zaron."
I look around to see all the kids dressed up in some kind of bad guy clothes. We go up to the bar area to see a kid dressed up as a bar attendant.
Cartman leans over and begins to talk to him.

Cartman: "A glass of Meedlewine, please."
Bar Attendant: "No Meedlewine today, only Fairy Ale."
Cartman: "A pint of Fairy Ale, then."

He then hands Cartman a bottle of Green Vitamin Water.
Cartman: "So... has uh... anyone seen the Bard lately?"
Everyone then turned to us, with angry looks on their faces and it gotten quiet for a moment.
I became slightly worried.

Cartman: " A cup of Fairy Ale isn't much if not accompanied by some bardic poems and songs."
Everyone continued to glare daggers at us.
Bar Attendant: "Sure he's here, all right. He's got a room down in the cellar."
Cartman: "Ah, and I shall pay handsomely for his services. Sir Douchebag."

We began to follow him towards the cellar doors.
Cartman: "Butters, Douchebag, go down and flush him out. Princess Kenny and I will be waiting here to murder him. Remember, the Bard can use songs to enchant. Don't let him get to you."
Chloe: "Ok.. let's go Butters."

We opened the door to the cellar, and we began to walk down until we made it down.
Cartman: "Flush the Bard towards us. We'll do the rest."
I then began to hear music playing, it actually sounds really nice. We began to search around for the bard, until I see a shadow in front of us. And stronger music began to play, me and Butters covered our ears so we don't get controlled.

Butters: "Oh Jesus, it's the Bard!"
I looked in front of me to see a crippled kid began to walk out of the shadows.
Chloe: 'Hey, that's the Jimmy guy I heard about, I think they said he's the comedian of the school.'

Jimmy: "Prepare for battle, w-w-w-weaklings! Elves, fall in!"
Elves began to surround us, and I suddenly heard Cartman scream.
Chloe: "WHAT?!"

Jimmy: "You should have never come here, h-humans. I am a level 10 bard, and with my lute I shall power up my elven guards with magical songs of encha - with magical songs of encha-cha - with magical songs of encha-chaaa... mag... magical songs of enchame-me-me... Magical songs of enchantment."

We then began to battle all of the elves, until we kicked all of their butts. The Bard then began to escape upstairs.
Jimmy: "Get down there and finish them off. I will protect the S-Stick of Truth."
More elves then began to run downstairs, where they blocked the door.

We fought them all off, we then saw Craig in the window sill, I opened it for him and let him in. But then he tripped.
Craig: "Ow! My ankle! I-I think it might be broken."
Butters: "Maybe I should take a look at it."
He then pated Craig's back.

Craig: "Thank you, noble paladin. My wound is healed.
Butters: "Can you get us upstairs? I think they locked us out."
Craig: "Nothing a level twelve thief can't take care of! You guys go ahead."
Chloe: "Come on, let's get out of here."

We climbed out of the cellar. We see a elf and we hid before he could see us.
Elf: "For the elf king!"
Cartman: "AHGHGH! Someone help!"
Chloe: "That came from the kitchen!"
Butters: "Come on, the Wizard's in the kitchen! We gotta help him!"

We ran in the kitchen to see elves beating up Cartman.
Chloe: 'Ok I know this isn't very nice, but this is actually pretty funny.'
We then ran at the elves and attacked them until they were all down. We then go up to Cartman and Butters began to heal him.

Cartman: (coughs) "His powers were too strong - the Bard. He's up in one of the rooms."
Chloe: 'I can't believe the elves beat him bad enough until he started bleeding.'
But then Cartman started pouring ketchup in his mouth and coughed more.
Chloe: 'Oh for god sakes, and I actually started getting worried for him.'

Cartman: (coughs) "They took Princess Kenny! They took her upstairs. I'm sure they're going to rape her. Don't let them rape Princess Kenny! Myehhh..."
Chloe: "I don't think that's physically possible."
Cartman: "JUST GO!!"

We came out of the kitchen and saw the Bard running up the stairs.
Jimmy: "The Wizard King is done for! Take out the New Kid while I go upstairs and make contact with the King of Elves."

3 elves then blocked our way, we saw that the door was jammed. I blew it open and Token and Tweek were able to get in and attacked the elves. Token and Tweek decided to stay down to go help Cartman, so it was up to me and Butters.

We go straight upstairs when we heard yelling muffled and a creaking bed.
Butters: (gasp) "Wait a minute! Listen! They're raping the Princess RIGHT NOW. We have to bust in there!"
Chloe: "What?! There is no way they know what it is."

I looked in the draw to see the key to the room. I go up and unlock, ad when I opened it I saw Kenny tied up and the kid just jumping on the bed.
Chloe: (sighs) "Oh thank god."

I then jumped on the bed and knocked the elf off and I began to untie Kenny.
Kenny. He muffled a thank u. We walked out the door and met with the others.

To Be Continued ~

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