"The devil's slaves?" Rui widened his eyes.

"Spirits that consume many human souls will lose their positive particles. Meaning they will not be accepted in heaven. The only place is in hell. Therefore, instead of going to hell, they choose to live by consuming souls for a hundred years. But, that spirits will never be able to get a circle of reincarnation, " Kiyoharu said.

"It can't be..." Rui murmured.

"The concubine who died carrying a grudge, when she was on the verge of death, her soul was split into two. The spirit that brought feelings of revenge then entered the body of the doll," I said.

"In many stories, Doppelganger looks like an evil twin or our demon twin. It is told that someone who saw his Doppelganger himself would die in the near future. People said it was all a joke, but the person who told to see their Doppelganger would really die not long after, " Ayako said.

"The most popular story is from Queen Elizabeth I, she is another person who had seen their doppelganger shortly before death. She entered her bedroom to see herself laying on the bed. She was pale and sickly. Soon after this event, she fell ill and died in that same bed," Kiyoharu said.

"Doppelganger is not just about supernatural phenomena, in a community, people who are very similar to each other even though they don't know each other and have no family relations, can be called Doppelganger," Naomasa said.

"If indeed the doll is a Doppelganger from the concubine, shouldn't the doll spirit be a woman. During this time, we have heard the laughter of a little girl, right?" Rui said.

"Maybe it's just mind manipulation. Since we see Akane-chan as a little girl-sized doll, we then assume that the spirit inside is also a child," Naomasa said.

"Then, how do you stop the Doppelganger? " I asked.

"In the case of spirits doppelgänger, once they get her form, they will look like a human, live like a human, hang out like humans, socialize with society, eat and drink even though they don't need it. Doppelganger doesn't sleep, they wake up all day long, hunting spirits for food, "Ayako said.

"Are they not like vampires?" Rui asked, "How could we reorganize doppelgänger?"

"You can't," Ayako shook her head, "But, there are story said, the doppelgänger that born from a soul that split into two, don't appear in mirrors," Ayako explained.

I flinched.
Shadow? Mirror?
So, that's what it means.
The feeling that I felt when I passed the mirror and fountain.
Doppelganger has no shadow.
Ehh?? Wait a minute...that's mean...

"Sensei, what should we do?" Kiyoharu asked, "Can we do an exorcism to the Doppelganger?"

Sensei sighed, "The Doppelganger will not die even though we killed them in a normal way. Knife or gun shoot can't kill them. But, holy fire from Onmyōji ritual can do it. But, Akane-chan is a different case," Sensei said.

"Different?" Ayako looked confused.

"She hasn't fully become a Doppelganger. Until she gets his 100th soul, her spirit will remain confined within the doll's body," Sensei said.

"That's right," Kiyoharu nodded, "So if we purify the doll, the spirit inside will also be purified by itself,"

"But, it is not easy to purify an object which is still possessed by something. In some cases, no matter how many times the object is purified, the spirit is not purified,"

"Then, what should we do?" Naomasa asked.

"Sensei, what happened to the other half? I mean doesn't the spirits split into two?" I asked.

Psychic Detective Team - Uncover the Supernatural Phenomena (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz