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Jason's POV

"They what?" I growl, slamming my fist against the table I was leaning against.

Gregg flinches at the sudden noise but quickly regroups himself, replying to my question. "They kidnapped him..."

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose and about ready to kill somebody. Why do I care about him so much? He's just some kid I kidnapped from a trashy high school party.

Or is it more than that?

Shaking my head in irritation, I turn my back to Gregg and stare out of the window of my temporary office. The view wasn't the best but the rundown building with holes punched into the drywall, spray paint covering everything, and trash everywhere, was our best bet to taking Pierce down.

"Are we ready to go take down the one we came here for?" I ask whilst resting my hands on the inner window seal.

I could tell he was taken aback by my question just by the feel of the air. A few moments pass before he answers, his voice showing no emotion.



Justin's POV

I awake to the sound of metal clattering against something. Groaning, I open my eyes and sit up, well as much as I can in my current position. My hands are tied behind my back and my ankles are tied together as I sit on my knees, slumped against the wall.

I bite down on something and notice that it's a piece of cloth balled up in my mouth. Rolling my eyes, I look around the dark room. There was one single light hanging above a doorway on the opposite side of me. My brain feels as if it was smacked with a brick, throbbing inside of my skull.

My eyes are squinting as I scan the rest of the room, nothing in particular catching my eye within the endless piles of beaten up cardboard boxes. A loud screeching sounds fills my ears and causes me to wince as a figure walks into the room from the only doorway.

For a second I forget I was kidnapped until he steps towards me. Observing his features was my main priority when he got a little too close.

He was older, wrinkles covered his face. There was a permanent look on his face which was a cold stare and lips in a thin line. His frame was bulky and short while his hair was cut short.

"You're awake," the man muses as he crosses his arms. The muscles in his arm expand further as he does so. "I thought you would've been out a bit longer than you were."

It made me uncomfortable for some reason as his gazing eyes traveled across my body though nothing was really exposed. Frowning, I allow my head to loll onto my shoulder as I stare at him.

"Seems like it," I say, not caring about the looks he was giving me. "Why am I here?"

Now it was his turn to frown and his brows knit together in confusion. A sigh leaves his lips whilst he takes a step forwards.

"Yes...Gregg said you'd be a sassy one," he murmurs, maybe not wanting me to hear the words.

I immediately perk up as well as I can in my position. Gregg? The man chuckles when he notices my expression. I watch him roll his tongue into his cheek, obviously amused, as he crouches down in front of me.

My lip sticks out and I go into deep thought, missing every word he says until some catch my ear. "Gregg is my nephew."

Jason's POV

The death stare on my face never leaves even when Logan cracks a joke to lighten the mood. I huff as we've been walking for about an hour, Pierce's base being on a goddamn mountain.

Yes, we'll find Justin. I just don't know when. Gregg starts talking extremely loud so I glower at him, hoping he'd stop. My hopes don't come true as he continues to increase in volume.

Rolling my eyes, I stop abruptly which causes a small person to bump into my back. A low but quiet growl comes from behind me and I turn to see Yoongi glaring at me. Glaring back does nothing as he continues to glare harder.

Namjoon who was just walking with Yoongi was now watching the whole thing. A noticeable shiver runs down his spine at the depth of our hard stares. A few moments pass before I actually turn towards Gregg.

"Can you, for the love of god, please shut up?" I snap and his joyful expression turns into an irritated one.

"Why?" He asks amused.

"You're giving me a damn headache with your loud ass mouth," I reply before continuing, "and it'd be nice if we could get to our destination without being found."

He kisses his teeth and takes a few steps towards me, the snow under his feet crunching. "And?"

I see Yoongi in my peripherals rolling his eyes as he rests his hands on his hips. A humorous smirk toys at my lips as I notice the irritation in his expression.

"My fucking ears are bleeding so I'd love for you to shut the hell up," Yoongi starts, "Please and thank you."

Gregg stares at the short male bewildered before shrugging as if to play it off. I give him a small glare and that's what it takes for him to continue walking.

Sighing, I get ahead of everybody and the famous couple give me concerned glances as they catch up with me.

"We'll find him, hyung," Namjoon says while hooking his arm with his boyfriend's.

My face somewhat contorts due to not used to being called 'hyung'. It's a thing in Korea, meaning older brother or a close male friend that is older than you, that's only if you're a male calling them that.

Otherwise, females call older brothers and older male friends 'Oppa'. I laugh at that though, considering it also can be used as another name for daddy in sexual terms.

I nod my head at the younger and give a soft smile. That smile soon fades when I hear the words that come from Kathryn's mouth.

"Uhm, guys. Where's Gregg?"

I Am Jason (Jastin) | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now