Character Answers

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Justin Bieber

Reader: Justin, I love you. How do you feel about Jason?

Justin: Awe, thank you. He's a little...crazy, but he's gorgeous. Hehe *blushes*

Reader: What's it like living with Jason?

Justin: I'm getting used to it. It's still a little awkward but I have nowhere else to go. 

Reader: Where are you going to move with Jason after graduation?

Justin: I honestly have no idea. Hopefully we go to Minnesota. 

Jason McCann

Reader: Are you going to jail for slitting people's throats?

Jason: Only if they find out, hun.

Reader: Why do you like slitting people's throats?

Jason: I thought that was already covered. My nightmares cause me to go into overdrive, also known as a killing spree.

Reader: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like Justin?

Jason: I like him quite a bit. I'd say 8 or 9. His attitude can leave at the moment.

Reader: Do you like Justin as a friend or more than a friend?

Jason: I'd like to be more than friends...but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship

Reader: Would you marry Justin and maybe have kids with him?

Jason: Like I said in my answer from the previous question, I'm not ready for a relationship. Maybe, in the future it could happen.

Reader: Would you let Justin top during sex?

Jason: Heheh, ummm. I don't think he'd like that. I prefer him on bottom... *blushes*

Reader: How do you feel when you're around Justin?

Jason: I feel ecstatic. I don't think I've been this happy.  Butterflies swarm through me. 

Darren Smith

Reader: Do you like Justin?

Darren: You'll have to find that out in future chapters, love. *smirks*

Kim Namjoon (RM)

Reader: Do you love me?

RM: I love you if you love me. *grins*

Min Yoongi (Suga)

Reader: You're so cute, like please fuck me?

Suga: Give me a time and place, babe. *Smirks*

Author (Me)

Reader: Was Justin diagnosed with depression in the beginning of the story?

Me: Yes, Justin has had depression ever since his parents started arguing and talking about divorce plans. So about a year.

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