Chapter three

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Amy flicked the end of the whip at Spartan. She was doing join up with him, even though she had done it before. She wanted to strengthen her bond with him. Spartan broke into a canter, staying far away from Amy. She kept him going at a canter until she saw one of the signs she was looking for. He lowered his head and slowed down. Amy kept him going for another lap. By now he was making chewing motions with his mouth, and he flicked his ears towards Amy. She turned, her back to him and waited. In a few seconds, she felt a soft breath on the back of her neck. She slowly turned around and gently stroked his forehead. Then, she turned around again and walked towards the gate, Spartan following at her shoulder the whole way. Amy broke into a jog and Spartan trotted behind her. She broke into a smile as she stopped. The sound of clapping startled Amy. " Great job!" Amy turned around to see Jodi, Heartland's other stable hand. " Thanks!" Amy grinned. She swung open the gate and led Spartan out of the round pen. Inside the barn, she took off his halter and brushed him down. Amy then walked to the house. "Lou! Where are you?" She yelled. Lou emerged from the bedroom, and walked up to Amy. " Look, you didn't have to yell. I would have heard you anyway." " Sorry, Lou. Hey," said Amy as she helped herself to a cookie. " Can you please take me to the hospital to see Ty? If the doctor lets him, he might be able to come back home tomorrow."
" Well, I don't know about tomorrow, but sure, I'll take you." Lou grabbed her keys and walked to the door. " You coming?" She asked. Amy nodded as she gulped down the rest of the cookie.
Amy and Lou walked out to the car, their breath forming small clouds in the air. A few minutes later, Amy walked into Ty's room. To her surprise, Ty was standing by the window looking out. " Ty!" She gasped. " Hey!" Said Ty, grinning broadly. She rushed into his arms and gave him a big hug. Ty bent his head and kissed her. " I've got good news," he said. " Oh?" Questioned Amy. " Well, the doctor gave me the all clear to go home. That's why I was waiting by the window. I was watching for you to come get me," Ty told her.
" Oh Ty! That's wonderful! But how come you get to come home so soon? I mean, you've only been here for two days. Not that I mind, of course." Ty laughed. " Well, the doctor said that since I'm strong and healthy, I got well faster than I would have otherwise."
" I'm so glad," Amy replied. " I missed you ." " Me too," said Ty. And he kissed her again.

Hi everyone!
Just letting you know that even though this book is kinda like the real Heartland books but also kinda like the movie.
Anyway, plz comment/ vote! I would love to hear from you!!!
♥️ jelly_bean06

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