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Mikey's POV
I couldn't believe what just happened. I didn't know what to do. I decided to call Gerard.

"Mikey? Is everything okay?" Gerard asks, worried, which I understand because you can't have a conversation over call when one of you can't speak.

"Gerard," I say, my voice shaky. "I told Claire to leave. I kicked her out." I tell him, setting my head in my hands.

"I'm coming over right now." He says, and hangs up without saying goodbye.

I set down my phone and stare blankly at the wall. I didn't know how to feel. I was mad. I was upset. I was pitying myself. I missed her already.

Before I knew it, there was a knock on my door. I get up, and open the door to let Gerard inside. I open up the door without looking and feel hands wrap around my neck.

Claire's POV
I was probably twenty minutes off when I got a bad feeling. "Um, sir?" I say to my driver. He looks at me from the rearview mirror. "I'm so sorry, but can we turn back around. I just left a, um, friends house and I don't have a good feeling about leaving him there alone. I'm just worried." I say. He looks agitated at first, but makes a u-turn nonetheless.

We were about two minutes away, when I got a call from Gerard.

"Claire, what happened with you and Mikey?" He asked.

"I- Can I tell you when I get back to his house? I'm headed back there because I have a bad feeling." I inform him, coming up to the house.

"Okay. I'm almost there too. I'll see you in a minute." He says.

"Alright. Bye." I hang up, coming within eyesight of the house. There was a man on a motorcycle, parking in his driveway. The man hops off of the motorcycle and knocks on Mikey's front door.
I immediately recognize him, as the man who was chasing me when I first ran to Mikey's house.

The man walked up to Mikey's door with a knife, and knocked on his door. Mikey opened the door, I'm guessing he thought it was Gerard, and the man put his hands around Mikey's neck.

I jump out of the car, throwing all the money I have to the driver. I jump on the man who's hands were around Mikey's neck. I wail on the man's head, with no mercy for him. He, after all, was a bad man.

Soon, a pair of hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me off of the now, nearly dead man. My heart was pounding and my breathing was almost as fast as my heart rate. I looked down at the man. He was dead.

"Calm down, Claire, goodness gracious. You killed him. You actually killed him. He's dead." Gerard said, obviously shocked. Mikey explained everything while I stared at the man's body. His face was barely recognizable, but I still new who he was.

"How's that for murdering my entire family." I mumbled. Gerard and Mikey silenced.

"What will we do with the body?" Mikey whispered.

"I have people to do it for us." I muttered back. I pulled my phone out, dialing Mr. McCoy's number.

"Birmingham?" He answered right away.

"Mr. McCoy, I have target 104 here. He's dead." I said.

"Really? Good job. How?"

"He attacked Mikey." I say slowly, venom lacing my voice. I was livid.

"Well alright. I'll have Zack come get him." He tells me.

"Yes, sir." I say. He hangs up and I tell Mikey and Gerard what is going to happen.

"I probably need to go now. I just want to say sorry again. I just want you to know, if I could've done anything about it, I would have. I promise." I say.

"Claire, hang on." Mikey says, grabbing my hand. "Stay. It would be better. And I know it wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have blamed you." He smiles slightly.

"Bro, just kiss her already!" Gerard yells from the kitchen. Mikey leans in to kiss me, when something shatters in the kitchen

"Sorry, that was my bad." Gerard shouts.

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