3M. Family

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"You scared us all," appa said, as he stepped in the room. It's the first time they are allowed in to see me. I'm not sure how long they had to wait to come in. This was the first time I was up, since I lost consciousness.

I had talked to the doctor before seeing them. My doctor told me I had lost conscious after giving birth due to the heavy blood loss. They hadn't allowed my family inside so I could rest. Now, I needed to take some iron pills and make sure to eat certain foods that would help me with blood production and to gain some of my strength back. They would test me for anemia but this was most likely an aftermath of birth, my body would slowly recover. The foods, she recommended, were growing on the farm or I could easily buy them at the local market. I'd eat it, gladly, to recover quickly.

I had been scared. The moments after hearing Jisoo could've been my last. It's not like the doctor told me I was in a grave state but my body felt so limp, feeble. It was scary thinking—that would be all I would know of my little Jisoo. Thankfully, I was up and ready to be the best father I could be. I was happy to be awake— the thought of not making it another day had been enough to shake me.

"Sorry," I apologized without second thought. I know, they must've been worried about me all that time. I couldn't help but be thankful that they had been patient with everything; regarding the pregnancy and all the other things that popped up. They were my forte when I couldn't do it on my own. I had so many things to be thankful for.

"It's not your fault. We're just happy you're awake and breathing. Jisoo is going to need you, we all are but her specially." Eomma understood all the commotion regarding the hours of childbirth. She reminds me that it's not only me that I had to worry about, I had someone who depends on me and that's my little Jisoo.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I can't wait to meet her. Doctor Bae said I could see her as soon as she got a nurse to bring her."

The doctor has told me a great deal of things, most of them good. I was happy to hear she was a beautiful, healthy baby. All the exams checked out alright for her and I would make sure she continued to be healthy. It was my job as her father to protect her and look out after her.

I'm waiting impatiently for the nurse to bring her to me, I'm still too weak to walk over to see her. Jisoo has no image registered in my mind except those of sonograms. I want to see her face to face and learn I've fallen in love with her a little bit more. I can't wait to see her. I've been looking forward for this moment since the day I registered that I would hold a baby in my arms. It's been months of patiently waiting.

My family is sitting, talking quietly among themselves. They probably see my nerves but I'm anxiously ready to meet my baby. When the door opens, my heart stops, it has to be the nurse bringing her. It's not them, I see Jimin walking in with a smile and flowers. The disappointed doesn't take long to follow but the nurse behind him brings hope. The nurse brings her in and Jisoo looks so small. How could I carry her small frame in my arms?

She takes my breath away. I'm in love again and it's not with a man, it's with my daughter, my world. I look around and see how Jimin and the other look at her lovingly. The love in Jimin's eyes, I want to capture it in a picture. I can't help but want the picture of the two.

The nurse, as if she read my mind, sets Jisoo in his arms. It's so perfect that I want to cry. I'm so damn emotional. I knew then and there he would do anything to protect her just like I would. She was loved already.

"Happy birthday, Jinnie," he whispers, as he carefully sets Jisoo in my arms. I see my chubby baby girl, eyes closed, no trace of hair on the top of her head, so small, so fragile but also mine. She's the most beautiful baby I ever seen. And she's all mine.

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