3A. On the run

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I managed to fall asleep for some time. It's was close to dawn, the sky was going to start getting those purple, orange, pink hues again. The bus was passing by the darkest of roads. No street lights in sight to disrupt the beauty of dawn. No cities, or towns for miles. The open road never looked so beautiful. It was simply breathtaking. I looked out the window wishing to be able to put my hand out and feel the cool night air. That air that runs a chill down your spine and makes you feel free like a bird. How many nights had I gone out, as a child, to enjoy the pleasure of it all? Far too many. I couldn't wait to go home and experience it once more. I couldn't wait to have my family around me. Feel their unconditional love and protection.

I heard the bathroom open abruptly. I turned to see who caused such a noise at this time of night. It had startled me. The sound disrupted the quietness in the bus. The culprit was Mister Kim. Of course, it had to be him. It seemed like a typical rich person behavior, believing that they had the right. I couldn't help but keep looking at him. He looked at each row as he went back to his seat.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he passed by me and a few others who were awoken by the noise. It surprised me that he had the decency to say he was sorry. It puzzled me to see he had manners. Maybe I was used to having Mister Jeon put me aside.

I saw him sit towards the front, far from me. Mister Kim was confusing but I didn't need to worry about it. He was no acquaintance of mine. I didn't have to worry about him coming to bother me again. He had kept his distance; for which, I was thankful that we avoided another encounter. He was the least of my worries.

I sat back and continued to look out the night sky. I looked at my watch and decided to stay awake for dawn. I wanted to see the sky light up in beautiful shades that couldn't be replicated in those expensive paintings. Paintings that hung in a now empty apartment that belonged to Mister Jeon.

"Kid! Kid wake up! We're making a rest stop." I was woken by a middle aged lady who looked friendly enough. I smiled and thanked her. She smiled and left. I, on the other hand, was shaking away my grogginess. I took my backpack and stepped out of the bus with everyone else. The driver reminding us that it would be a twenty minute stop before we head to our destination.

As I look around, I come to the conclusion that there is many people traveling today. The place was packed and thankfully it was still too early for the sun to overheat the place. I went into the small restaurant nearby and ordered a cup of coffee and some breakfast. I wasn't hungry but I needed to keep healthy for the baby. There was no seat available. Therefore, I was going to eat outside in the small grass area near the bus station.

Once I received my breakfast, I went to the grass area and sat down. I looked at my surroundings to make sure I was aware of any potential disruptions. Everything appeared okay, as I tried to sip my coffee. My coffee was too hot to start drinking. I started up at the sky as I began to eat my breakfast sandwich. I was close to home—in just two more hours I'll be home. I'd be safe at home with people I love and who love me. I'll be okay.

"Are you Kim SeokJin?" The voice sounds familiar. I turn to see Mister Kim right behind me. It's strange that he knows my name. Too strange, uncanny. My heart skips a beat.

"Yeah, why?" Was there something wrong? Did I lose my ID? I rummaged my backpack to check my wallet. He stops my hand from continuing my search and sits next to me.

"They're looking for you. There's a poster of you on the station board. You're being reported as missing. What or whom are you running from?" He looks far too curious. My heart stops. There's someone looking for me? The first thing that comes to mind is I'll be arrested for the shady transactions I've made. That had to be the reason they're looking for me. The second possible reason was Jungkook wants to know my whereabouts. It's one or the other but I'm positive it's because I took his money.

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