24. Moon Drip

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"Well Kari. Ya finally went Kaboom." I say with a smirk as Gray and I walk up to her. She looks so little in Natsu's arms, and without her cloak too. It's really weird actually.

"Did... Did I hurt you?" She asks quietly, eyes wide and sincere.

"No, we're all fine-"

Right on cue I hear a heavy thump from beside me. I whip around to see Gray collapsed on the ground in a bloody heap. I hadn't seen his back before, but now that I can... It's completely shredded, probably from his fight with Lyon and when he was protecting me!

"Oh my god! Gray!" I kneel down beside him, brushing his hair out of his eyes to see if he's even conscious. Which he is not.

"Okay Panda, This is gonna hurt," I hear Kari's voice warn just a second before a wall of fiery pain slams into me along with a bright flash of golden light.

"Kari! What are you doing?!" Natsu exclaims. Apparently she rolled out of his arms and got over to me in about point five seconds. Typical.

"I'm about to be useless anyway, might as well have someone take my place." Kari says through her teeth.

The light is so bright I can't see anything. The pain quickly fades, replaced by an odd strength that I've never known before. Is this even healing magic?!

"What the hell just happened?" I ask, turning to look at Kari, too shocked to really comprehend the what just happened.

"I healed you, completely." Kari explains in a stained voice, right before passes out, falling to the ground sideways.

"Kari!" Natsu exclaims, running over to her. He shakes her shoulders gently in an attempt to wake her up, but she stays out cold. I unwrap the bandages holding my wing in place and carefully test it. Sure enough, my wing is completely healed.

Just then, I hear moaning behind me. I turn to look at Gray, and he's no longer unconscious. His back looks a bit better too. I guess some of Kari's healing magic must have spilled into him.

"P-panda-" Gray starts before I cut him off.

"Shhh, you need to rest. You'll be okay." I say, mostly telling myself the last part. Gray starts trying to get up, but I don't let him, putting a hand on his chest to keep him down.

"No. Just try to relax for now." then I turn to Natsu. "Get me a roll of bandages out of Kari's first aid kit." I command, gesturing to said first aid kit attached to Kari's belt. Natsu does as he's told, handing me a full roll of white bandages. He then goes back over to Kari and continues trying to wake her up. She, of course, doesn't. I turn my attention back to Gray.

"Can you sit up?" I ask softly, moving my hand from his chest to behind his shoulder to help him as he sits up, slowly, wincing in pain. I then carefully wrap bandages around his torso.

"Panda, don't we need to get back to the village?" Natsu asks.

"Yeah, we do. If you'll carry Kari, I can take Gray."

"I don't need to be babied, I can walk." Gray says indignantly.

"Are you sure? Can you even stand?" I ask.

"Yes I'm sure." Gray says, stumbling to his feet weakly. He stands strong for a few seconds, before wobbling like he's about to collapse again. I act quickly, coming up beside him and wrapping one arm around his torso, and using the other to pull his arm over my shoulders, so that I'm now acting as a crutch for him.

"What happened to Kari?" Natsu asks me, starting to walk back towards the village with Kari in his arms.

"Have you not figured out that she's an idiot who doesn't consider herself before acting?" I ask irritatedly, following slowly after Natsu with Gray.

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