31. Colors of Our Souls

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I'm angry.

No, not angry yet, but I'm getting there.  

"Shit. Gray, you should go." Panda whispers nervously.

"I- Fine. Try not to blow up the place Kari." Gray says defeatedly, just before his running footsteps retreat into the distance, fading away.

"I don't think you want to stick around either Panda, this could get... Violent." I warn, knowing that she plans to ignore me.

"Nice try, you can't rid of me that easily, besides violence is fun!" Panda says, an evil grin on her face.

"If you say so." I reply, observing the demolished room as I turn towards Panda.

"Oh... um.. You face is... colorful." She stutters, looking slightly scared.

"Yeah, thanks to some useless motherfucking asshole who only thinks about his microscopic dick when he makes a decision." I hiss, opening a box of curses I didn't even realize I knew.

"Your language is a fucking rainbow." Panda comments, completely dumbfounded.

"What do you expect? I'm just a tiny bit pissed off." I state sarcastically, a tingling, warm feeling spreading through my body as my hair cools against my skin while it darkens.

"Let's just go beat up Jose before you go psycho again." Panda suggests nervously.

"Beat me? Now whyever would you want to do that?" A sinister voice asks with mock innocence from across the room.

"Jose." I growl, slowly turning back to face him.


"Yes, that is my name, Demon." Jose says with an evil smirk.

I let out a long sigh, cause I'm tired of repeating myself. "How many times do I have to tell you idiots, Kari is NOT a demon. She is a person, who's been hurt and broken and endured more suffering than anyone, much less a teenager, should ever have to go though, and it's all thanks to dark guilds full of absolute bastards like you!"

"You wound me!" Jose exclaims. "I hadn't done anything to hurt your friend until you made an attempt to save her. I would have given her a quick and painless death if it weren't for you. But now, you leave me no choice but to end this with bloodshed." Jose explains calmly, a dark aura beginning to fill the room with a sickening air.

"You act as if you're faultless, but you're only fooling yourself." Kari finally says in a dangerous tone. "Being a member of the Ten Wizard Saints doesn't make your actions just, nor does it make you immortal. The only blood that will be spilt today is yours, unless you surrender and immediately turn yourself in to the Magic Council for accepting an assassination request."

"An odd threat coming from you. From what I've heard, your magic is weak-" Jose starts stupidly, before I cut him off with laughter.

"Weak?!" I giggle. "If Kari's weak, then your fucking pathetic, as in, barely stronger than a flea!"

"Panda." Kari warns.

"Oh? I'd like to see this power then." Jose says, smirking again.

"Wow, you're dumber than Lucy!" I continue laughing, even though I know I should stop.

"Aqua Dragon: Rain Bullets" Kari says lowly, a bright white magic circle appearing in front of her. Out of the magic circle, a huge barrage of raindrops moving almost faster than I can see shoot out of it, straight at Jose.

Jose looks shocked for a split second, before countering with another spell "Shade."
Black mist emerges from Jose, taking the form of those phantom soldiers that are attacking the guild hall. They dive straight into the rain of bullets, only to be ripped to shreds by them. But, it does keep the attack from reaching Jose.

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