23. Pain of the Past

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Please do not play the music until I notify you. You'll know when ;)


Shortly after Natsu stupidly decides to go after Kari, Lucy, Happy, Gray, and I fall asleep. As I'm drifting off, I somehow end up right next to Gray. He puts his arm around me, and we fall asleep together, same as we did the night before.

"GET YOUR LAZY BUTTS UP! WE HAVE A JOB TO DO!" I jolt awake to the sound of Kari's shouting. Everyone groans, but does as they're told, except for me.

"Go...away!" I yawn, folding my wings around myself to block out Kari. "It's still fucking dark outside!"

"Your point? It's time to get moving. We aren't here to get comfortable, we're here to complete a task." Kari points out irritatedly.

"Fuck off!" I roll over, facing away from Kari. "Destroying the moon can wait until tomorrow night!"

"We aren't destroying the moon. We're finding a more logical way to break the curse. Now get up before I make you." Kari says, getting a little more irritated.

I don't say anything to Kari's threats, instead I poke my hand out from inside my wings to flip Kari off.

"You're an idiot." Kari growls, just before I barely hear her throw a shuriken. Guess she's giving me a chance, I usually don't hear anything Kari does.

"You wanna play, do ya?!" I shout before unfurling my wings, flying up a little bit, and catching the shuriken  midair. "Alright, let's do this!" I smile as I throw the shuriken back at Kari, land on the ground, and unsheathe my katana.

Kari catches the shuriken easily with two bandaged fingers, snapping it out of the air. She then pulls out two eight inch long daggers, one from each of her boots. She squats slightly in a battle stance. "Try me." She says quietly.

"Do you guys always have to fight?! Now really isn't the time!" Lucy whines, seemingly upset by our fun.

"Panda wouldn't get off her lazy butt. This is a good way to wake up." Kari says calmly.

I laugh. "It's still dark out, it's not time to get up yet, stupid! Now are we gonna fight or what?" I rush at Kari, attempting to hit one of the daggers out of her hands. She easily blocks my strike with said dagger, before darting around behind me.

I do a backflip over Kari to get behind her and hold the dull side of my katana at her throat so I don't cut her. "I win!" I exclaim cheerfully.

Just as I start to move my katana away from Kari's throat, she harshly elbows me in the ribs, kicks my feet out from under me, and pins me down so I'm laying on my stomach, one knee in between my wings. Her daggers are crossed at my throat in an x, and I can't tell if it's the sharp sides or not. Knowing Kari, it's the sharp side.

"Owww! What was that for?" I complain.

Kari stays silent for a moment, muscles coiled like she's ready to kill me in an instant. Then, she relaxes the tiniest fraction. "Sorry..." She mumbles, getting off of me and putting away her weapons.

"I still win, right?" I ask. 'Cause technically, I pinned her first.

"Not really, but you can tell yourself that." She says emotionlessly. "If it had been a real fight, you would never have gotten that close to me... but... you have improved."

"Yay!" I shout like a little kid.

Kari flinches slightly. "It's too early for yelling." She says.

"Sorry." I say, quieter now. I turn to look at everyone else. Lucy isn't fazed, since she's used to our bickering. Natsu, Happy, and Gray are another story though.

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