19. Lullaby

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I'm still following Nasu's scent when I hear a loud shout somewhere down the hallway.

"ERIGOR! Come out, come out wherever you are! You in here?!"

Oh yeah, that's definitely Natsu.

I pick up the pace, feet now making a light tapping sound as they hit the floor, no longer leaving a trail of blood. I start to see rubble lining the hallways. There is a roughly oval shaped, human sized hole beside each door in the hallway.

Natsu! You can't even figure out how to use a door?

I hear a heavy crash and Natsu's voice goan in pain as I skid to a stop outside another one of the rooms, this one occupied. It appears to be a storage room of sorts, with only three small windows.

I can feel my claustrophobia begin to kick in from being indoors so long. My breathing accelerates as well as my heart rate. A nervous feeling races under my skin.

No, I can do this.

I ignore my claustrophobia and observe the room instead.

There is a pile of broken wooden boxes at one end of the room, and Kageyama is standing just in front of me, facing them in a stance that suggests that he just threw a punch. He is obviously oblivious to my presence as he speaks.

"There, I've wanted to do that for a while now. Had enough Fairy Tail insect?" His voice says that he's smirking like a maniac.

Natsu looks like an idiot as he swings his legs around up in the air upside down before springing up with a his head stuck through a picture in just the right spot that it looks like he has a little cartoon kid's body.

"NOT YOU AGAIN!" Natsu screams.

"Wow, you look like an idiot." Kageyama says, hands in his pockets carelessly.

Silently, I walk up behind Kageyama, silver dagger drawn and glinting slightly in the dim sunlight from the windows. I hold my dagger up horizontally behind Kageyama's neck, signalling to Natsu, trying to ask if he wants me to take care of this fight.

Natsu shakes his head wildly, not looking at me, in what seems to be an attempt to remove the painting. I understand, I think.

"Oh shut it doggy!" Natsu shouts.

"Get it right, it's KAGE!" He argues, stomping his foot like and angry child.

Quickly, I back away, re-sheathing my dagger at the same time. I lean comfortably against the wall, just next to the hole that I entered through.

Don't make me regret leaving this to you Natsu.

"Same thing really." Natsu murmurs.

"Anyway, I think I've already got you all figured out. You eat flames to increase your power. Isn't that your big trick. Shouldn't be hard to stamp out." Kage states cockily. Wait, when did he see Natsu eat fire?

Natsu begins shaking in anger, before his head goes up in flames, burning that hilarious picture off of him.

"NOW I REALLY WANT TO TEACH YOU A LESSON BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME RIGHT NOW!" Natsu shouts. Wait, is he actually being reasonable for once?

The flames around Natsu dissipate, and he holds up his fist threateningly, "Tell me where Erigor is!" He says, a vein beginning to pop out on his forehead from his intense frustration.

"Ha, you really think I'm going to just tell you that? If you really wanna know, you're going to have to beat it out of me." Kage laughs.

I feel my own anger flare, just who does this guy think he is?!

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