Betray our trust

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AGE: 15

DATE: May 4th, 2019

When Hemi and the others arrived, they explained everything that had happened in the battle in the Serpent. They explained everything from the fight with Deimos to the reveal that Izak was the World Serpent, and even Autumn, Austins, and Arturo's death.

They told me about Cthulhu’s arrival, but I already knew about that because Dorian had arrived about an hour earlier just barely clinging on to life. Him and Marissa are in the hospital wing.

In total, that's three close friends dead and two in the hospital and the soldiers of Fort Knox and the Utopian Military have lost good friends in this battle humans and vampires alike.

The last of the werewolves were killed in this battle, all except Dorian, and as far as we know me, Brennen, and Whitney are the last of our species as well. The only species that have a chance of surviving are humans and vampires, but even their numbers are dwindling.

My train of thought is lost when I notice medics rushing to the front entrance of the base. Curious, I follow them.

When we get to the gate I was shocked to see a beaten and bloody Mary and Skylar. Skylar was unconscious and is barely alive. He was even missing an arm, but we don’t need to worry about that because he can regrow it. Mary was still standing, but very injured. It’s a miracle she managed to get Skylar and herself here.

We immediately rush them to the hospital wing. After about thirty minutes of waiting the doctors come out to talk to me and other and he informs us that everyone will be fine Skylar and Mary will heal from there wounds, thanks to their regeneration, they just need to rest. However Skylar will be very thirsty for blood when he wakes up due bleeding heavily, so the doctors are going to get some.

Dorian has already recovered, but is put on bed rest until the doctors say he is ready to go back into battle. Marissa has also recovered, but has been changed. She gained vampire like features like fangs and blood red eyes. When Whitney arrived, she told me what had happened to her and what Skylar had told them and now it had come true. From what the doc said, it sounds like Marissa is a vampire-demon hybrid, the first of her kind.

We walk down the hall to check on all of them. When we got to Skylar’s room, he was still unconscious but at least all of his injuries healed and his arm grew back. I was actually in a hurry to get out of there because the doc said he was going to be very thirsty when he wakes up, and I did not want him to start craving Gorgon blood.

The next room was Dorian’s and he was in a shitty mood for being forced to stay in bed, although I could tell he was hurting emotionally probably due to the loss of his entire species.

The next room was Mary who was fully awake and healed, but was on her bed crying, which was a surprise  for me because I had never seen a vampire cry before what made it even more surprising was the fact that she was the First Progenitor the most powerful vampire on the planet.

We went inside the room to talk to her, and her personality seemed surprisingly human. I was always told that vampires only looked out for themselves and don’t have the ability to have feelings, but after meeting Skylar and Mary I’m starting to think that that’s not true: Skylar is always looking out for his siblings and his friends, and after talking to Mary I found out that she was crying because she had some close friends in the Council, but they were all killed by Cthulhu, the only one she had left was Skylar.

In the talk she also told me how they managed to escape. At the end of the battle, only Skylar and herself were left standing against Cthulhu. They managed to collapse a building on him and the made a run for it, they then found a two seater jet on the battlefield and used it to escape.

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