Wild beast

18 0 3



AGE: 16

DATE: Oct 7th, 2018

"What the hell are you doing?!? Are you insane?!?" Dorian yells in Marissa's face.

"Putting him on the brink of death. Duh." she answers simply.

I look around and see that Skylar, Alana, and Jordan have all ready drawn their swords. Just as I look back Brennen begins to change. Marissa with a now shocked expression on her face jumps away from him.

The Margwa has three heads each with no facial features except a large mouth with razor sharp teeth, instead of arms it has four tendrils with spikes on them, and it stands at least ten feet tall with spikes on its back.

The Margwa growls and charges at Marissa and attacks her with no mercy. She's sent flying through the wall and out into the middle of the street, still in her demon form. I see Skylar, Alana, and Jordan dart past me ready to join the fight.

"Don't kill him! Subdue him!" Skylar yells at Alana and Jordan, knowing that they would accidentally kill him.

They both nod in agreement, I turn to see Marissa and the Margwa are already engaged in combat and from the looks of it, the Margwa has the upper hand. Alana and Jordan jumpin in a attempt to break its legs but it does nothing. The Margwa attempts to swing at them both but Skylar jumps in and cut its tendrils off before it can, however they grow back almost immediately.

Alana and Jordan jump over it slashing at it back. The fight continues with Skylar, Alana, and Jordan gaining the upper hand. I have to admit those three make one hell of a team. Autumn and I don't really work together that well because we think so differently.

"Everyone get down! Hell's about to break loose!" Jay hollers.

I turn to see multiple of those creatures rushing towards us.

"Hold them off while Marissa, Skylar, Alana, and Jordan deal with Brennen!" Kelen shouts over the fray.

Alex, Whitney, and Arturo run over to a nearby overturned cop car to pull out some guns. Alex pulls out a shotgun, while Whitney and Arturo pull out pistols.

The battle with those creatures took an hour, but, we managed to get the upper hand when one of the creatures attacked the Margwa. He had turned around and smashed the creature into oblivion. We all backed off to watch as he ran around destroying all the creatures, not letting a single one escape. Moments later the Margwa collapsed to the ground out of, what I assume was, exhaustion, and reverts back to an unconscious Brennen.

"Dorian, go get Brennen" Marissa told him.

Dorian reluctantly goes over to get Brennen while we all head inside.

We wait for about another hour before we get a signal. The radio comes on, and voice can be heard.

"Hello, this is Sergeant Jackson of the U.S. Army. Can anyone hear me?!" asked the frantic Sergeant, gunfire being heard in the background.

"Yes we can, can you hear us? " Skylar responds.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?!" the Sergeant asked once more.

"If you can hear this, please send help! A group of civilians and I are holed up at the Bunker Hill Memorial. We're out of ammo and have had to resort to old muskets. Please send reinforcements, there are children here and we can only hold out for about three more days, and Cthulhu's forces are-" the Sergeant cuts off.

The power had gone out causing the radio to shut off. We are all shocked at what we just heard.

"Cthulhu's forces? What does that mean?" I ask myself aloud.

But before I can think any longer, Skylar steps up and says something.

"Well, guess we need to step in." he says.

"Really, you of all people?" Kelen says in a disbelieving tone.

"What can I say, guess I have a soft spot for kids." Skylar says while shrugging.

"More like you wanna have a monster battle on Bunker Hill." Jay said, unamused.

"Yes, that too." he admitted with a playful smile.

"We may be vamps but me, Skylar, and Jordan don't feed off of or hurt children." Alana explains.

"Wait, how exactly are those people holding up on Bunker Hill if that fort isn't even still standing? The only thing that is there is a memorial on the hill where the fort had been. In the middle of the city." Jordan ask.

"I guess we will have to go and find out now won't we? " Kelen says rhetorically.

We all agree to go and help the survivors, primarily to find out if they know what is going on. We headed for the nearest bus garage to find a transport. Luckily, we found one that was still intact and working.

" Alright I'll hotwire this thing and we can get going." Hemi told us.

"Wait, you can hotwire a bus? How do you know how to do that?" I ask

"Because of the plot!" Jordan yells.

We all stare at her in confusion.

"Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry, I'll shut up now." Jordan said awkwardly.

After that weird encounter, we all pack onto the bus and begin the journey to Boston. According to my sister, it should take us about seventeen hours to get there. Boy, this is going to be one hell of a trip.

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