4th wall

12 0 2



AGE: 12

DATE: Oct 8th, 2018

    Hello readers this chapter of the story will be told by your favorite fourth wall breaking hero! No not deadpool, it will be told by yours truly, me! Anyway, we begin making our way through Boston, only knowing how to get to Bunker Hill by following the sound of gunfire in the distance.

On the way there I was really hungry, I haven't fed in a couple of hours and I was starting to lose control of myself, any longer and I may end up feeding off those two humans that are with us. Lucky for me, my siblings, and Kelen, a group of bandit’s tried to ambush us, and by ‘try’ I mean they failed miserably.

But for you, the readers’, amusement, I will describe the battle. The bandit started by trying to ram a truck into Dorian, but he turns into a werewolf and stops the truck dead in its tracks and throws it to the side as if it were nothing.

By the way, I think Dorian is the MVP of this fight. After that bandits began shooting down on us, Autumn, Austin, Whitney, Alex, Arturo, and Brennen all took cover. Hemi turned into the slender and used his tendrils to impale three of the gunners and dragged their bodies to the ground, he also consumed their souls. Dorian and Marissa scale the other building to attack the other bandits.

Marissa guts a man with her claws and uses his intestines to strangle another bandit. Dorian bites a man's head off and turns around to rip another in half. Before I know it I see a bandit charging at me with a machete, I draw my sword and cut the bandit and his machete in half, all in one swift swing of the katania. After that, all of us Vampires feed off of the bandits.

After the battle Alex, Arturo, Whitney, Autumn, and Austin all pick up an assault rifle from the dead bodies. As we continue on the road to Bunker Hill, we are stopped by three of those creatures from Henderson.

“Ugh! More small fries! Do these things ever learn?” Kelen says in annoyance.

“I will deal with this.” Skylar says drawing his swords.

Just then one jumps out of the ground behind Skylar catching him off guard, then rushes him and breaks Skylar’s neck. Just to inform you readers, no, he is not dead breaking the neck of a Vampire just knocks them unconscious, anyway back to the story.

“Skylar hurry and wake up.” I say to him even though he is unconscious. After that I ran in and cut the creatures head off. The three in front of us pull out shotguns from behind their backs, we were shocked to see that they could use guns. They then began to start shooting at us. Alex, Brennen, and everyone else with a gun began to shoot back after getting to cover. As soon as the shoot-out starts is when more creatures jump out of the building windows beside us.

“It’s an ambush!” I yell.

    We began to fight, and the two in front and are caught off guard, but after a long fight we manage to get the upper hand and wipe out all of the creatures. Skylar wakes back up and snaps his neck back into place.

    “What the hell was that?” I asked no one in particular.

    “That attack wasn’t random, it was coordinated and planned.” Brennan said.

“They used guns and strategy, this isn’t good, they’re learning.” Jay told us.

Now, all on guard we make our way to Bunker Hill. Within another hour we finally make it there. The Hill is under siege by the creatures, and from the looks of it the sergeant and the other humans aren't doing to good. The humans seem to have dug trenches around the hill and set up spike barricades in front of said trenches, they look like they’re using muskets with an assault rifle here and there. The creatures are using assault rifles and shotguns and are shooting from inside buildings and on the streets. The ones with no guns seem to be trying to charge at the humans but are mowed down before they can even get close to them. I look back to the trenches to see little kids ducked down screaming and crying. We are all watching this from a building not to far away.

“They are not going to last much longer, we need to get to them and help.”I say.

“How? There is too much fire coming from both sides and not all of us are immune to gunfire or have a healing factor.” Jay said.

It’s at that moment I realize we can go right through them, but we need one person. I turned to Jay and ripped off her necklace.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

“I need you to get into a ball.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Just do it. Guys get behind her, and slendy I may need you to carry her.” Hemi gave a nod and picked Jay up as we started to walk into the bullet hell. While going through it multiple people stopped and watched what we were doing. I'm mostly wondering how there reacting to slendy over here. Skylar and Kelen took the lead taking out the creatures in front. I also begin to realize how long Jay’s true form is, since she is capable of wrapping around all of us, although it is still tight in here we are crammed shoulder to shoulder.

“So can someone remind me why I agreed to this again, and Skylar can you be a little cleaner with your kills please!” Jay yelled as some of the creatures blood got into her face while her mouth was open.

“Ewww, that doesn't taste right!” Jay said wiping her mouth.

“Now you see how Vampires feel with human blood. Well except blood tastes good to a Vampire.” Skylar said walking next to her.

“That's something I never wanted to taste.” Jay said facing the other way as Skylar decapitated another one.

“Hey Hemi, or sorry, slender can’t you teleport us up there?” Kelen asked.

The slender responded with a simple nod.

“Then why the fuck can’t you just do that!” Jay yell in anger.

The slender simply shrugs his shoulders. It funny to me, to see that the legendary slenderman has a sense of humor.

“Put me down you overgrown, pale fuck head!” Jay yells.

He responds by teleporting right next to the spiked barricade and throwing us over it and into the trenches. Jay lets go of us, finally letting us move, what a relief that was. I then give her back her necklace so she can go back into her human form. Skylar and Kelen jump over the barricade and into the trenches and slender teleports into the trenches after them, he then morphes back into Hemi.

“Hemi, never do that again, are we clear.” she says grabbing him by the shirt.

“Cry baby” Hemi mutters to himself.

As the heat cools down between those two, we begin to look around to see at least a dozen humans pointing their muskets at us. Of course, this doesn’t bother us. But, just in case, I draw my sword.

“Who, or what, the hell are you!” one of the riflemen yell at us in fear.

“Hey, hey, hey! We’re not here to hurt you, we’re here to help!” Dorian explains to them calmly.

“Shut up! You’re with Cthulhu! There is no way you’re on our side if you look like that, you’re not human! You’re with the Cthulhu spawns!” the man yells, putting his finger near the trigger of his gun.

“Dude! Calm your tits, if we wanted to hurt you guys we would have done it already! And that's racist to monsters ya fucking fuck!” I yelled stabbing my blade into the ground.

“That's enough! Weapons down people!” a man in a military uniform walks out and yells in a drill sergeant like tone.

The riflemen quickly obliged.

“All of you, come with me.” the military guy told us.

Unfortunately my dear readers, this is the end of my chapter. But not my story! See ya suckers!

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