Bunker hill

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AGE: 15

DATE: Oct 8th, 2018

We followed the sergeant inside of an underground tunnel. The tunnel led to a room full of kids and injured people. There was only one doctor who, now that I think of it, was probably a nurse. We continue on into another room with barrels of gunpowder and musket balls. In the center of the room was a big table.

This is one big room.

“So, who the hell are you, and what the fuck is going on?” I ask.

“Yeah, and if you don’t tell us what we want I’ll gut you.” Marissa warns in an aggressive tone.

“Jesus christ, Marissa, what the fuck.” Brennan says.

“Can we get back on subject?” the sergeant asked, annoyed.

“My name is Sergeant Jackson of the U.S. army, I assume you got the distress call.” Jackson said. Jackson has black hair, blue eyes, and wears a standard U.S. combat uniform.

“Yes, we came here to get answers, Jackson. What the hell is going on, and is this happening everywhere?” Skylar asked.

“Yes, the entire planet is under attack. All governments have been put down, there are only pockets of survivor groups.”

“Under attack by whom?” I ask.

“Cthulhu and his minions, the ‘Cthulhu spawns’.” the sergeant said in a very unnecessary ominous voice.

“Wait, Cthulhu spawns, you mean those creatures that have been attacking us everywhere we go?” Autumn asked.

“Yes.” the sergeant answers.

“Yeah, we’re just going to start calling them Spawns.” Autumn told him as-a-matter-of-factly.

“So, who’s Cthulhu?” Arturo asked.

“A celestial god from another dimension.” the sergeant answers.

If humanity is under attack by a god from another dimension and we are humanity's best defence, then, WE ARE FUCKED. We’re a very dysfunctional group of people, I'm surprised we made it this far...

“Anything else we need to know?” Austin ask.

“Yes, that the World Serpent is real, and Ragnarok is upon us. As we speak the World Serpent is slowly getting bigger and bigger. Soon enough it will be able to wrap around the planet twice.” the sergeant explains.

After hearing him say that, I feel my heart drop. I look around to see the reaction of the others.

All of them are in shock, the only one not phased by this Marissa. I don’t trust that demon one bit, she and her kind are very devious and can’t be trusted. But for now I’ll tolerate her.

“For now can you help us the hold off the remaining enemies until our choppers arrive arrive to help us? They’ll take us to Fort Knox.” the sergeant asked us.

We all agreed to help on the condition that we will be allowed to go to Fort Knox with him.

“That giant snake reminds me of something... Didn’t we see that on a TV? What were we doing...” Skylar says trying to remember.

“Oh shit, we forgot about Izak!” Skylar yells.

Almost everyone was confused as to who he was talking about except me, Arturo, Jay, and Whitney.

“How could we forget him? God damn we are idiots!” Jay says smacking her forehead.

“I didn’t forget him.” Whitney says.

“Why didn’t you remind us then?” I asked.

“I thought that's what this whole trip was about.” she answers.

Before we can talk about it anymore a loud explosion can be heard outside. Along with even more gunfire. We all grab a musket and run outside to see what’s going on.

I look around for a minute then I see two Spawns armed with RPG’s on one of the rooftops.

“RPGs on the roof!” I yell as a heads-up.

All the sudden, Whitney goes and yells, “Get down! I’ll deal with this!”

Whitney gets in position to shoot but when she takes aim, but instead of aiming at the spawns she aims for the building they are on. This confuses me at first, but then I see Whitney’s hands begin to glow red. The glow spreads to the rifle.

Whitney pulls the trigger and when the shot is fired, the bottom floor of the building is blown to oblivion, the entire building collapses killing the spawns.

“Remind me not to piss her off.” I tell Dorian who is focused trying to pop as many heads off as he can.

The battle goes on for another hour with everyone trying to shoot as many Spawns dead as they can. Arturo and I had a competition to see who could get the most kills, he won. Moments later about a dozen military helicopters show up and help us defeat the remaining spawns and pick us and all the remaining survivors up to take to Fort Knox. On the way the to Fort Knox sergeant Jackson explained to the general who showed up with all these helicopters to help any survivors our situation and what has happened to us and he even told him that some of us are different races of monsters. The general is a tall and very fit old man with grey hair blue eyes and wears your typical three star general outfit. At first the general was startled but then he began to ask those of us that are monsters to help fight Cthulhu and the World Serpent, we all agree to help. The general says that he’s running out of troops and we need more reinforcements fast.

“You want reinforcements, I know where to get them.” Skylar told him.

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