She then jumps up into my arms and I carry her back to my seat.

I sit down in my seat.

"Hey, brother! Rei, Natsuo, and Fyuymi are here! Also Chi," I say to Shouto, holding up Chi.

I then see Tetsutetsu get knocked out of bounds.

"Oh...I'm," I say, handing Shouto Chi.

I hop out of my seat and walk to the arena. I summon my sword before exiting to the field.

 I summon my sword before exiting to the field

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I'm up against Monoma...hmm...

Present Mic introduces me.

I step up onto the arena.

Present Mic introduces Monoma.

"Hey, Monoma! No hard feelings...okay?" I say.

"Sure," Monoma replies, eyeing my sword. I then hear Monoma mumble,
"Why do I get the feeling I'm doomed...?"

"Ready...Go!" Midnight starts the battle.

I run at Monoma.

I swipe at him.

He tries blocking with Kirishima's quirk.

I eventually knock him out of bounds.

"Monoma is out of bounds! Y/N wins!" Midoriya announces.

I hold out my hand to help Monoma up.

"I was're really good with a sword," Monoma compliments, taking my hand.

I pull him up and reply,

I walk back to my seat, sending my weapon back to wherever it came from.

I sit down.

Shouto hands me Chi.

Shouto then gets up and heads to the arena.

Nothing much really happens for the next few fights:

Itsuka (no) vs. Shouto (yes):
Shouto wins

Ibara (yes) vs. Awase (no):
Ibara wins

Momo (yes) vs. Iida (no):
Momo wins

Midoriya (yes) vs. Tokoyami (yes)...

Tokoyami, of course, just knock Midoriya out of bounds.

I get out of my seat, setting Chi in Shouto's lap, and go to the arena.

I summon...

I summon

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