"To me, my loyal decepticons." Megatron rumbled lowly, gesturing for them to settle nearer, suddenly desperate to get his people as close as possible, as if his presence could still offer some defense against the Autobots. To his surprise, none of them protested. He felt Starscream shift against him, but not to pull away as he'd expected, but instead to sit more comfortably at his side. Dreadwing was the first to approach, choosing to settle next to Starscream to the warlord's surprise. It would seem that the blue mech had forgiven what the former second had done to his brother, or perhaps it was seeker coding demanding him to be near someone of his own kind. Breakdown chose to sit on his other side, making sure to keep from brushing against his former master as a sign of respect or perhaps sheepishness. Airachnid chose to be distant, merely scooting a bit closer to be enveloped by their fields, but keeping her distance. Even in these circumstances, the femme was just not very effusive. That was fine with him, he was just glad that she'd chosen to move at all.

The door hissed open and he snarled, immediately alert, field glaring out as an odd protectiveness came over him. For a moment he was even startled with himself. Megatron had never shown concern for his soldiers, writing them off as pawns and now here he was, trying to protect them. It was.. bizarre. His blood red optics narrowed and then widened as two guards strode in, supporting a heavily limping Knock Out and closely followed by none other than the Autobot medic carrying something in his servos. It took him several klicks to realize what that something was. The sparkling.

Breakdown let out a loud keen, rushing over as Knock Out collapsed to the ground, face set in a grimace of pain. The guards let out warning shouts, pointing their blasters at the large mech, but the 'Con ignored them, too focused on the shivering red heap in his servos. Ratchet slid heavily to the ground, exhaustion clearly visible in every line of his frame, but continued to hold his fragile burden just as gently, quietly shushing when the child began to fuss. Megatron seemed to latch on to that sound, ignoring the other sounds and the guards leaving, his full attention directed at his wounded medic and the squirming bundle in Ratchet's servos.

Suddenly Starscream pushed away from him, rising shakily to his pedes and stumbling over to the Autobot medic. Ratchet looked up, his expression instantly morphing into concern as he noticed just how battered the silver seeker was. The second in command ignored him, gently taking the child from Ratchet's servos after receiving permission from Knock Out with a single glance. Breakdown had already moved the racer back to his place at Megatron's side, holding him in his arms, yellow optic bright with unbridled joy. Knock Out smiled tiredly at him, immediately reaching out as Starscream deposited the fussy child in his arms.

Ratchet watched as the decepticons gathered around the whining sparkling, Dreadwing praising the couple in a soft rumble as Megatron lifted the child into his arms, surprisingly gentle. The medic was shocked to see the soft smile that had appeared on the warlord's scarred face, making him seem so much younger and not at all like the cruel tyrant he'd come to know. Even Airachnid had come over, standing over the gathered group, faceplates unreadable, but E.M field betraying a small sliver of warmth. Wildbreak didn't seem to mind the attention, far more interested in pawing at Megatron's face, tiny yellow optics bright as a gentle rumble traveled through the silver mech's chassis.

Ratchet couldn't believe his optics. Here were the decepticons, the most cruel and ruthless cybertronians to ever walk the surface of Cybertron and they were.. laughing. He could not find a single lie in their fields, no false emotions or words. They seemed genuinely joyful.. gathering around the offspring of one of their comrades. Ratchet would've never believed that Megatron, of all mechs, was capable of such gentleness as he carefully balanced the sparkling in his arms. "Ratchet." He heard Knock Out call and looked up, actually taken aback by the attention. The racer looked at him with an exhausted, but happy expression on his pearly white faceplates, gesturing him to come over with a clawed servo.

Ratchet suddenly felt uncomfortable. The decepticons were all looking at him now and he didn't know what to do. Did they genuinely want him to be there? He doubted that they'd attack, seeing how weakened they were, but would his presence really be welcome among them? It just felt so wrong, like he was intruding on something sacred. After a few moments of silence Starscream looked up, exasperation etched in every line of his faceplates. "Oh, get over here already, Autobot." He sneered, wincing as he instinctively shifted his wings, instantly bringing Ratchet's attention to them. The medic stood up, slowly making his way over to the gathered 'Con's, suddenly feeling clumsy and out of place. It was just so.. odd, to say the least, but now that he really looked at all of them, they were in severe need of repairs and his medic coding kicked in, prompting him to tend to the injuries as soon as possible.

Retrieving his tools from his subspace, he settled near the silver seeker, feeling slightly unnerved by the close proximity of the captive 'Cons including Megatron himself. The warlord glanced at him, optic ridge quirked, before looking down at the now sleepy child in his arms, handing him back to his carrier as Knock Out settled more comfortably against his mate. "Let me see those wings, Starscream." He said instead, pushing his awkwardness aside in favor of tending to his patient.

The decepticons's fields were surprisingly welcoming around him and Ratchet realized with no small amount of shock that they truly did not mind his presence. His apprehension was soon forgotten as he poured all of his attention into repairing the silver seeker. The mech twitched and snarled at him, grimacing in pain whenever he touched the wounded wings, no matter how gently. Eventually Ratchet got so fed up that he whacked Starscream on the helm with a wrench, instantly stiffening in alarm and some amount of terror as the loud clang attracted the attention of the gathered mechs, more specifically, Megatron. To his surprise, the warlord only smirked, glancing down at his wounded SIC, E.M field pulsing with dark amusement. "Starscream, I would recommend that you remain still and let the good doctor tend to your injuries." He practically purred and the silver seeker stilled instantly, no doubt sensing the warning in his former master's voice. Even so, he could not hold back a retort. "What I'm more worried about, Lord Megatron, is the reason behind the Autobot's actions. Do you not find it odd that a mech who has every reason to hate us as much as his brethren chooses to instead aid us?" After a few moments, Starscream spoke up again, voice softer. ".. Especially after I killed one of his teammates, Cliffjumper?"

Now all optics were on him. Ratchet resisted the urge to curse. Venting a heavy sigh, he finished welding shut the gash in Starscream's right wing and put down his tools, turning to meet the inquisitive and suspicious red stares directed at him. Perhaps he did owe them an explanation. "It's true." He said at last, fighting to keep his voice steady as the decepticons kept watching him with the same unyielding stares. "I will not lie to you, I am angry. I'm angry at Starscream for killing my friend, I'm furious that he attacked Arcee, invaded our base, stole the Apex Armor and the Omega keys. I'm angry at Airachnid for almost slagging Arcee whenever they met, using Tailgate to mess with her emotions. I'm angry at Breakdown for almost killing Bulkhead. And most of all.." He looked up, meeting the warlord's gaze. "I'm furious at Megatron for all the lives he ruined, the cybonic plague, Bumblebee's vocalizer, the destruction of Cybertron itself! But.." The medic took a deep breath, armor plates rattling. "I also acknowledge that you weren't the only ones doing fragging terrible things. It was war, both sides did something they regret. We Autobots are no slagging saints. That doesn't mean however that none of us deserve punishment. But not this kind. I didn't fight for this. I always fought for freedom and I always will. We were all born to be free, what right do I have to take that away from you, to violate you, to humiliate you? You deserve a fair trial and punishment, not this." He looked away, unable to handle Megatron's unyielding stare. "I will right the wrong my faction made, even if it means helping you escape. But do not think for a nano-second that I'm ever joining you. My loyalty is and will always be with the Autobot cause."

Silence fell upon the group, only broken by the sound of a distant drip. "I would expect nothing less, doctor." Megatron rumbled at last and the gathered mechs fell silent again, letting Ratchet resume his work in peace.

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