thirteen ㅣ tell you

170 7 0

t h i r t e e n

jimin groaned at the sunlight beaming onto his face from the window. his eyes fluttered open as he sat up, which wasn't a good idea. he moaned in pain as he clutched his head, his headache worsening at each second passing by.

he huffed and laid back down, eyes roaming around the unfamiliar room. his eyebrows furrowed, trying to remember what happened.


he was wasted.

he scanned his clothes to see if it was still the one he wore in the club, and sighed in relief once he saw that it was. good.

but where the hell is he?

"'re awake," a soft voice concluded. jimin turned to the direction of the voice, seeing none other than jeon jeongguk at the door, his hand loosely placed on the metal doorknob.

"no shit, sherlock." jimin sassed, a look close to a glare sent to the younger.

"woah, i dragged your jibooty from the club all the way to my home and this is the attitude i get? the amount of disrespect," the brunette scoffed, approaching the older and sitting beside him.

"sorry..." jimin mumbled, cheeks heating up.

"it's cool, you probably have a headache which resulted in your snappy act." jeongguk shrugged, jimin humming in response.

"so...should i call yoongi hyung?"

"no!" jimin yelled with wide eyes. he coughed. "i mean, please don't."

"okay? why though?"

jimin debated with himself on whether he should tell him or not.

the younger male noticed the other's hesitating state, thus replying:

"hyung, it's fine if you don't want to tell me. i'll go if you need time alone-"

before he could successfully stand up, his wrist was enveloped in jimin's soft, chubby hands.

"i-i'll tell you..."

t h i r t e e n
c o m p l e t e d

l o a d i n g
f o u r t e e n . . .


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