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Charles and Erik walked into the kitchen to see Pietro and Ana in there. Ana was stirring something while Pietro was running around her saying stuff.

"Please Sis. Come on. We won't get into trouble. Just do it Ana. Come on I'm sure Dad won't mind. Please be cool this one time" Pietro said really fast running back and forth

"No you are not going OK" Ana yelled at him.

"What are you up to Pietro?" Charles asked while having a seat.


"No" Ana interrupted. "You tell Dad what you want me to do"

"Fine" Pietro sighed. "I wanted to go see Natasha and Clint. You know the two assassins that are on the Avengers team"

"Why them though?" Erik asked.

"Because they are so cool!!" He said super excited. "Natasha with all her cool gadgets and Clint with his bow and arrow"

"When do you want to go visit them?" Charles said.

"I actually wanted them to come over for dinner but Ana keeps saying no" Pietro crossed his arms at the end and gave his twin a angry look.

"Because then I have to make even more food. I'm not fast like you Pietro!" She yelled mad.

"Hey you two!" Erik yelled over them. They both stopped arguing and looked at him. "I get I barley meet you guys but it seems like you guys argue a lot. I don't know how you guys do considering that you guys are twins"

"Its because he's -"

"Enough Ana!" Erik yelled again. "You need to treasure every moment with each other. I never had a brother or sister. I was always by myself. I know your Dad had gone through the same thing until he met Aunt Raven. You guys have something that a lot of people in this house don't have and its a family" Charles couldn't help it but smile while Erik was lecturing the kids.

Charles realized how great of a Father he was. He has no idea why he didn't just tell Erik that night. They could of been happy this whole time.

"Now Pietro they can come over another time. Ana you don't always got to be the only one cooking. You have so many people in this house to help you" Erik said.

"Yes!!!" Pietro said throwing his fist into the air. "Thanks Father" he said hugging Erik then running out of the kitchen. Erik watched Pietro then turned to Ana.

She was giving him a look that Charles never seen his daughter make. She uncrossed her arms then walked towards Erik. The sound of her heels sound so much loud then usual cause of the strange silence.

"Nur weil Sie wissen jetzt, zu meinem Bruder und mir, bedeutet nicht, dass ich dir wie ein Vater zu behandeln" She said in Germen staring right into Erik's eyes. (A/n: "Just because you now know about my brother and me, doesn't mean I'll treat you like a father.")

Erik kept a straight face but it broke his heart to hear his daughter say those words.

Right after she said those words she walked right past him and went towards the doorway. She stopped before leaving and turned around again.

"ach übrigens hat Spaß, Abendessen Arschloch" she walked off and you can hear her heels till you heard her door open and slam shut. (A/n: "Oh by the way have fun making dinner asshole")

Erik stood there while Charles just looked at him. Charles had no idea what she had said since he spoke very little of German.

"I never knew she can speak German" Charles said breaking the silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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