Secrets- Not Just A Game

Start from the beginning

"I've never been happier than when I'm with you guys." He glanced up from the paper.

After a second of thinking, I turned to Lex. "Lex?" She nodded slowly.

All the boys smiled before tackling Lex to the ground. I'm not sure who initiated the tackle, but it didn't take long for us to all be hugging on the ground.

"I love you guys," Lex laughed, smiling up at us. My eyes locked with hers, and something inside my stomach flipped.

After another minute, we'd all straightened out and Louis pulled out the next secret. "I secretly like broccoli more than carrots." He was already stupidly smiling as he read it.

"The carrot king likes broccoli more than carrots?" Zayn cried, feigning shock.

"It's just something about the color green," Louis said dreamily. We all laughed at him before he pulled out another secret. Only Liam and Zayn were left. "I like not wearing underwear when I perform onstage."

Everyone looked between the two remaining boys, neither giving anything away.

"Liam?" Niall asked, looking at the brown haired boy. Liam grinned and shook his head.

We turned to Zayn. "And I thought I was the only one," I joked. Everyone knew I had a thing about being naked.

"It's rather liberating," Zayn said, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back.

"So, now we just have Liam's!" Louis said excitedly, hand plunging into the hat.

"You know, we don't have to read it," Liam trailed off, his face turning bright red.

"Well now I have to," Louis grinned, unfolding the paper. "I'm still a virgin."

It was silent for a minute before everyone burst out laughing.

"It's not that funny guys!" Liam whined, burying his face in pillow.

"Oh, come off it, Liam. We all already knew that," Zayn said, wrapping an arm around Liam's shoulders.

Liam looked up from the pillow. "You did?"

We all nodded, laughing at him. It was a pretty well known fact around the band.

"Didn't you say you were in love once?" Lex questioned thoughtfully. I'd never thought about that. Liam had a girlfriend before X-Factor that he was totally in love with. They broke up after the show, and he was devastated.

"Yeah, I guess it just didn't happen," he answered shyly.

"Alright, alright, quit making fun of Liam. I think it's cute," Niall defended him, sending him a sweet smile.

Liam mumbled a thanks before returning the pillow to his face.


Alexis P.O.V.

"Good luck!" I called as the boys ran out on stage. Louis shot me one final smile before dashing into the bright lights, waving at the dedicated fans.

I took my normal spot backstage where I could sit and watch the boys jump around. Paul was always nearby, keeping a close eye on the stage for safety issues.

"Hey Paul," I said happily. He was standing to the side of the couch I was sitting on, keeping an intense eye on the boys.

"Lex," he replied shortly. I hadn't even met Paul Higgins until I'd joined the boys on tour. However, we spent quite a bit of time together during the concerts, so I was comfortable talking to him.

"Do you know where we're going after tonight?" I asked.

"I think we're headed south to North Carolina."

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