Hawke: One way or another....


Hawke POV:

Well those people were some of the creepiest assholes I have ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes upon! Like ugh! But their moonshine is amazing! To bad I blew up their still...

Jerk: You ungrateful monster, what have you done-


Me: Headshot!

Dumb*ss: I'll kill you!

Me: You know, you're not the first to make that claim!

Idiot: How can you just stand there and insult us after what you've done!?

Me: I'd feel bad but it's too much work! Now where are those girls you kidnapped!?

Freak: W-who you talkin' bout?

Me: Now that right there, the s-s-stutter? Yeah that's a dead giveaway!

Freak: Dammit... alright they're down in the basement! Now are you gonna let me go?

He has so much hope in his eyes

Me: Sure!

Freak: R-really!?

Me: Of course... not

Freak: Oh shi-


Me: And another one bites the dust!

I walk down some conveniently places steps and kick down the door


?: W-who's there?

I look over to see one of the girls tied down with ripped clothes

Me: Oh Oum, please tell me they didn't...

?: No, don't worry my clothes are only torn up because of me putting up a fight when they captured me!

Me: You're Vixen right?

Vixen: I prefer Fox actually...

Me: Ok no problem Fox!

I notice something about her, she has wrapping around her eyes...

Me: H-hey Fox?

Fox: Hmm?

Me: Uh can you see?

Fox seems to look down, I think?

Fox: When I fought back one of them hit me in the back of the head with a shovel... I-I can't see anymore!

Me: I-I don't know what to say.

Fox: Just help me up and let's go free my teammates!

Me: Yes ma'am!

She giggles at my sudden enthusiasm... cute giggle

Fox: Why thank you~

Me: I said that out loud didn't I?

Fox: Yup

She made a popping sound on the P

Me: Ok here lean on me!

Fox grabs my shoulder but after a little walking through the basement and not finding her teammates, I notice a door leading to a cavern....

Fox: Do you think this is a trap?

Me: A very likely one, yes.

Fox: A High chance of a painful death?

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