Chapter 3 - Biblical

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"I was going to ask you." Tony declared, looking over his daughter as she was only a few steps away from him at this point. Becca was doing the same to him, the gashes edging his face was what really looked the worse. If he looked like that with a suit on, she probably looked like a walking dead girl. "Christ, Bec-"

"I'm fine." She shrugged it off, wiping at her face, not knowing if it was blood or snow or who knew what. "Where the hell are we?"

He sighed, looking down at the shell that was the Iron Man suit. "5 miles from Rose Hill, Tennessee."

Her hazel eyes just about dropped out of her head at the words, not expecting to be so far from home. "Why!"

"Family Vacation. Sounded like a great idea."


Tony dropped down into the snow, pushing the suit back together so all the pieces met up to close. "I made the flight plan to Jarvis and he thought now was a good time to use it." He pulled straps out of the back of the suit. "You wouldn't happen to have your phone on you?"

Becca started patting herself down, feeling nothing else but the clothes on her back. "I've got nothing." Her fingers tracing the empty knife sheath on her hip. Visions of the attack suddenly plaguing her thoughts. The explosions, using her knife to try to pull herself up the leaning house, and then crashing into the water below. She must have lost it in the chaos.

"Well," Tony sighed, grabbing the two straps over his shoulders, "North or South?"

She watched him for a moment, clearly not letting the situation fully digest itself and to keep going. Then again, if they didn't start walking soon they were more likely to freeze to death at this point.

"North." She whispered in the frozen air, grabbing one of the straps herself so both Starks could share the weight of the suit.

The two were quiet for the beginning of their trek, using all their energy to focus on pulling the dead weight of iron behind them through the snow. Becca's head moving a mile a minute. They were hundreds of miles away from home, had no money, and no way to communicate to anyone to let them know where they were. Also that a terrorist had fulfilled a promise that wasn't even created by him. It had to be well over a mile before either spoke.

"Why Tennessee?"

"What?" Tony asked, not paying attention having been stuck in his own thoughts.

"Why did you have a flight plan to Rose Hill, Tennessee? What's so special about this place?" Her fingers burning from the cold and holding tightly to the strap.

His heavy breath was shown white in the air for a second as he contemplated the answer. But they were literally on their own now, it was the two of them and that was it at this point. "I've been doing some research. Was looking over the blast that happen with Happy. The heat from the blast was the same there as it was here in Rose Hill."

"You wanted to see what the similarities were." She deducted the reasoning. "There wasn't any Mandarin attack here. Well, at least that we know about since the government is being hush hush over it." All of the sudden, the anger in the pit of her stomach was growing enough to warm her for a split second. "You know, I thought having a Godfather would get me more intel."

"Rhodey not tell you a thing?"

"I swear he's more secretive than you half the time."

The thought of Becca trying to get intel out of his best friend and the two of them fighting over it was few and far between, but a battle between the two was fun to watch. And it usually ended with a lashing Rhodey wasn't expecting from the young girl. This time, however, clearly he wasn't budging. "Anyways, the only similarities between the two explosions had to do with two guys in the Military. Which is a bit odd."

Impulse (S.R) Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora