Chapter Twenty Six

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Silence came over the both of us, an eager smile sat on my face as I studied Michael, searching for any signs of an objection to my statement.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" I asked, continuing to tend to his wounds.

After a moment of waiting, the kitchen fell silent and I was left to treat his bullet holes quietly. Which I didn't mind, it gave me the chance to think long and hard about what exactly was happening at this very moment.

I took a step back and threw away the many blood stained paper towels before making my way to one of the top cabinets. I yanked it open and stood on my toes in an attempt to see what was inside. I glanced back at Michael, who watched me curiously— though he showed no signs of helping me with my objective.

I sighed and reached my hand into the shelves within the small door, managing to pull out a small box with a medical symbol printed onto it.

With that I spun around and made my way back to Michael, setting the tiny box down and pulling it open to see what exactly was inside. "You need bandages so that those won't bleed more. I don't know about stitches though... How do you feel?" I asked, curious to see how much his torn flesh hurt. After all, if he could survive six gun shots to his chest and stomach; what could he not handle?

Michael tensed slightly, taking a step behind me and looking into the box— practically hovering over me in the process, which in turn made a red tint rush across my cheeks.

I swallowed hard and bit my lip, not daring to move whilst the tall slasher examined what was inside the medical box.

He reached into the small compartment and pulled out a roll of bandages, finally taking a few steps back so that I could turn back to him.

"Okay..." I murmured, only for him to tighten his grip on the roll and shove it against my chest; which did indeed make my blush worsen. I scoffed out of embarrassment, growing flustered, before taking the bandages from Michaels hand and carefully moving his fist away from my bust.

"So no stitches. Gotcha." I smiled, stepping forward and beginning to wrap the roll around his chest, moving onto his stomach soon after. Spots of blood began to seep through the cloth as I did this.

I continued to layer the roll until no more blood could be seen sneaking past the thick fabric. I huffed breathlessly and tossed the bandaging back into its container, clapping my hands together soon after. "There you go..." I mumbled shyly, bowing my head.

Michaels breathing seemed to become ragged as he looked down at his now treated injuries, possibly relieved. With that, he brushed his strong hands along his chest, feeling every texture of the fabric that now protected his body.

"Do you feel any different? I did my best." I attempted to explain, cleaning up my mess in haste, wanting to focus all of my attention on my life long friend whom I had just reunited with.

My mind still couldn't seem to comprehend the fact that Michael was alive. Just a few hours ago I had thought he was dead and gone; and now out of the blue he was standing directly in front of me.

I swallowed hard, not completely knowing what to do without Michael doing something first.

The tall slasher huffed heavily, adjusting his black shirt and the top of his mechanics suit to fit him correctly once again. With that small task out of the way he made his way past me, his boots brushing against the wooden floor as he searched the house curiously; taking in all of its details and decorations.

I followed him aimlessly, not at all wanting to leave his side after that horrid halloween night.

"Do you want to talk about Laurie and Loomis? About killing them?" I asked wondrously, tilting my head as he stopped walking, his shoulders rising as tension rushed through his masculine frame. 

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