Chapter Eighteen

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"Alright, Alright!" Laurie clapped her hands together, gaining the attention of the two kids we were watching.

Just a while earlier Annie, one of Laurie's friends that I had met all those few days ago, had convinced sweet little Laurie to watch over Lindsey Wallace for her while she went out to go shack up with her boyfriend for the night.

I rolled my eyes at the thought, feeling a bit bad for Laurie since she was clearly the doormat in her friendships.

I stared at the ground and leaned back against the wall as Laurie began to speak.

"Everyone listening?" She asked, smiling calmly when the two children nodded joyously, pumpkin innards covering their young hands.

"Okay, so we need to go wash up, then we'll go watch the movie. Sound good?" The blonde teen suggested, glancing around the kitchen to once again make sure everyone was listening.

I nodded subconsciously and extended my hand out to give her a thumbs up, this leading to the two kids doing the same thing.

"You guys go do that, i'll go clean up the living room and get it ready for us." I informed the bunch before slipping out of the room and to the calm area that was the living room.

I sighed quietly and turned my attention to the TV, some movie I didn't know of was playing.

From what I gathered from Laurie and the kids, it was called "The Thing"?

I narrowed my eyes at the screen, trying to make sense of the television.

The sanitarium never had stuff like this.

And I don't remember ever actually being allowed to watch TV when I was younger and still had parents.

My mind began to drift, my thoughts bubbling up into a geyser of questions, only to return to their gated off corner when Laurie hurried into the room to speak with me.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, making her way towards me with a soft smile. I turned away from the television and looked to the younger girl, my eyes narrowed slightly, "hm?" I asked, now anticipating her response.

"I just wanted... To y'know... I wanted to thank you for helping out. You're a really good person Y/n." Laurie complimented, a hint of blush spreading across her pale cheeks as she clasped her hands together and swayed her hips nervously side to side.

I couldn't help but to smile, I was flattered to say the least.


But she's his sister.
The pleasant smile that sat across my face slowly faded away a quick moment later.

I glanced down at the ground and ran my fingers through my hair, "No, Laurie, it's fine. Trust me." I stated, trying to tone down the good energy that surrounded me. I felt guilty.

"And i'm not that good of a person." I scoffed, looking around the room with a cheeky grin, causing Laurie to giggle quietly.

"Alright I guess. Well, i'm gonna get back to cleaning those two rascals up. Do you want some popcorn?" The blonde asked, slowly inching back towards the kitchen.

I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking about it for a moment before shaking my head, now forcing another friendly smile onto my face, "No, I think i'll be fine. Thank you though."

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