Chapter Twelve

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My eyes skimmed through the pages, finding nothing of great importance as I continued onward.

I glanced up at Laurie on occasion, only for our eyes to meet and a shrug to take place to signal that no new information had been found.

I myself had began to lose interest in the book I had chosen to read first, so I bent the corner of the page I was left on and shut the book. I set it down and picked up the second piece of literature I had assigned to myself.

I tilted my head and examined the title: The Devil's Eyes.

I wasn't a big fan of the titles that Loomis had chosen for these stories- as they seemed quite offensive.

Michael wasn't that bad! He was just- eccentric.

Michael Myers is special. Nothing more, nothing less.

I swallowed down that hint of anger that began to boil up within me and proceeded to open up the book.

The process of reading through a few pages and alternating to the other book continued whilst I grew more and more impatient.

I was urning for answers.
I was starving for a conclusion to this long search for my life long lovers sister.

Why was she so well hidden from the world? Why did it have to be so difficult? Why couldn't I just come across her, kill her and return to Michael to free him of his shackles?

Why did this all have to be so complicated? Why couldn't I be a simple human like Laurie?

I bit my bottom lip softly and rested my head against the palm of my hand while my elbow propped it up. My shoulders slumped downwards and my hair fell into my face, my eyes progressively narrowing on the many words that cluttered around the pages of the current book I was reading.

With an impatient huff I flipped through the many pages until I found the table of contents, multiple chapters were listed across the page, the page numbers even sat beside the titles to show a viewer where to look if a specific chapter seemed interesting.

My e/c eyes scanned through the chapters until falling upon a short sentence.

The Myers Family.

My eyes widened, and I quickly perked up, "I might have something here." I informed Laurie quickly before searching through the book for the chapter I was targeting.

Laurie sat up quickly, leaning forward and raising her head slightly in a possible attempt to see the pages I skipped through. "Really? What is it?" She asked curiously, her hands shifting to the edge of the table.

"Something on Michael's family-" I paused when I located the chapter and quickly began to read through it; Laurie watching me intently, waiting for a breakthrough.

"Mom... Dad... Judith..." I murmured, skipping past the already known members of the family.

I bit my tongue, my shoulders tensed and my energy dropped. I stared blankly at the page for a moment.

"Laurie..." I whispered, gaining the teenagers attention.

She perked up and pursed her lips for a moment, growing visibly nervous. "Yes Y/n?" She asked, tilting her head and sitting back in her chair.

My eyes slowly left the book so I could look at her, I wanted to see her reaction.

"Angel Myers. Location remains in Haddonfield, Illinois. Her identity remains a secret to society as to keep both her and her family out of harms way." I sighed, tossing the book onto the table and tiredly dropping my head onto the table with a loud thud.

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