Chapter Five

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     Smiths Grove Sanitarium
            July 5th, 1968


Ms. Greene narrowed her eyes at me, the purple bruise circling her eye was very apparent to my youthful eyes.

"Y/n, this violence isn't helping your case," she explained, I turned my head away from the grown woman in response.

"Don't you wanna go home one day?" She asked, intertwining her fingers and pressing the palms of her pale hands together as if she were praying.

I frowned and shot her a cold glare, "No home, home never existed," I muttered before crossing my arms over my chest.

Ms. Green nodded and sighed, tired of my short replies. "What will make you work with me? You haven't progressed at all, Y/n... In fact all you've seem to do is go backwards," she paused to inhale a sharp breath. "I'm afraid that's not a good thing,"

I grumbled quietly and slouched in my seat, Ms. Greene watching me from across the table before she began to speak once again: "Y/n, you need to focus on getting better,"

I did not respond.
She knew what I wanted, but every time she asked and I actually gave an answer- she always said no.

So much for trying to get me to behave.

"Shut up..." I whispered, closing my eyes and laying my head back against my seat. Ms. Greene furrowed her brows before standing up in her seat, she pushed it out before making her way around the table; she proceeded to lean forward and slam the palm of her hand against my cheek.

A high pitched gasp flew out of my lips, and I turned my head to shy away from the grown woman who now stood beside me. I pressed my hand against my reddening cheek as my knotted hair rolled down my face and shielded my view of the rude doctor.

Ms. Greene groaned and ran her hand through her slicked back ebony hair, it was clear that she had no time to blow dry her hair in the morning. Her brown eyes seemed sunken in and her cheek bones popped out as if she were malnourished. If I hadn't known any better I would think she was a patient here herself.

I shifted my body to face away from Ms. Greene, "You are rude." I stated quietly. "Yes, so i've heard- at least twenty other times," Ms. Greene sighed impatiently.

I slowly pressed my feet to the cold floor before pushing myself to my feet, I turned and stared at my doctor for a long moment, my glare partially covered by my messy hair.
"I don't want to talk to you unless you let me see him..." I whispered.

Ms. Greene face palmed, "I'm annoyed that I can't even bring myself to pretend to be surprised,"

I shrugged as I awaited her answer to my offer, she looked around for a moment before making her way towards me. She snaked her hand around my arm and jerked me close to her when I tried to pull myself away from her. She was so close I could smell her perfume, I could imagine the can of scent having a silly name like: Lilli Pad Roses, or Sunflower Pedals.

Made no sense at all.

Ms. Greene leaned close enough to the point I could feel her warm breath hit my ear. "I'll see what I can do about that. But you had better promise that you'll work better if it works out, you got that, Y/n?" She asked, her voice stern.

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