Chapter Ten

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My eyes scanned the shelves, the rows of books that covered the library catching my attention before I made my way to the front desk.

"Hi hello. I've got a little bit of a question for you." I greeted the older woman who stood at the other side of the desk, now awaiting her response.

She glanced up from the book in her hands, the title of the piece of literature she was reading giving off an odd vibe.

"What is it you need?" She asked softly, her demeanor that of a sickly old grandma that just wanted to bake cookies for those she cared for.

I leaned forward, smiling slightly and tilting my head, that action alone making me think of Michael.

"Um... This is a bit odd, but I was wondering... Do you have anything on the Myers family? Anything at all? Books? Old newspapers?" I asked, my shoulders rising once I finished speaking.

The librarian sat up, her eyes scanning my face closely, her brows furrowed. "What's the need for that?" She asked, clearly she wasn't a fan of Haddonfield's history.

"Stuff for a project I have at school." I quickly lied, forcing an innocent smile onto my face.

The elder hesitated, before nodding. She pushed herself to her feet and made her way around the desk so that she was stationed beside me. "You'll want to check in the historical section or the non-fiction section. That's where details on the family would be." She explained and began to turn away, only to pause when I spoke again.

"Are there any pieces of information that are like... In the back or something? Like, is there anything I should have to pay for to get my hands on?" I asked, adamant on getting my hands on every possible book or paper that was available. And if it came to it, I would threaten the old lady.

"Um... I'll go check in the back room. You can go look in the different sections while I do that." The librarian explained, making her way behind the front desk and entering a room just behind it.

I swallowed hard, my adrenaline rising and triggering my hands to shake.

I turned around slowly, feeling quite small in such a large library.

I hesitated for a moment before making my way to the non-fiction section. My eyes scanning the rows of books and looking for those with the name Myers implied or written.

Only one or two books caught my eye, which was a shame but I grabbed them nonetheless and wandered to the historical section- even if what had happened at the Myers house wasn't too long ago.

Again, my e/c eyes scanned each and every row, only to come across historical books on past wars and laws that I could care less about.

I only had two books to go off of.

I spun around soon after coming to the disappointing conclusion, only to let out a shriek when I practically ran into the older librarian before me.

"Good god!" I blurted, covering my mouth a moment later and catching my breath, trying to slow down my racing heart.

Stupid old lady.

"I'm so sorry!" The lady quickly stated, holding her arms out in case I needed any assistance.

I furrowed my brows and glanced around, making sure I hadn't disturbed anyone reading a book like Of Mice and Men or something of the sorts.

The elder lady let out a weak whine before speaking, "eh, there's a few articles in the back. We aren't allowed to let customers take anything from there but I can let you in there for a little while?" She suggested, quickly changing the subject.

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