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Bakugo's P.O.V.
"Bakugo. We have to, ngh. We have to go downstairs." He struggled to even whisper as I found his weak spot on his neck.

I hummed against his neck earning a soft moan from Kirishima.

"The others are going to-" from behind the closed door we heard voices yelling out our names.

"Where are you guys?" Uraraka.

"Let's just go back downstairs. They probably came out of hiding by now." Tsu.

"Your right, lets go." Iida.

There footfall gets quieter the farther away they are. I sigh as I look back over to Kirishima.

"Let's go." I slowly get off the bed as quiet as possible  incase the group is still in the hallway. Kirishima followed after, the bed creaking slightly under his weight.

I unlock and opened the door, peeking out to see the group still in the hallway but turned toward the wall. I wave a hand for Kirishima to follow me out. He grabs the door handle from me and slowly closes the door, the lock sliding in place just a little too loud. We see multiple heads turn to our spot.

"Who's there." Jiro spoke.

"Kirishima, go." I whispered and reach out to touch the back of his hand with mine. He started to quietly walk toward the stairs with me on his heels. My foot hit a loose board that squeezed when I put pressure on it.

"Who's there?" Iida's stern voice reverberated through the hall.

"Nobody, fuck off." I yelled back. Kirishima was at the stairs waiting for for me. Not caring about being cautious, I ran toward the stairs and burst through the door. Me and Kirishima both grabbed into the railing and rushed down the stairs praying that we don't slip.

We reach the bottom floor and return to the couch. Kirishima jumped onto the couch laughing. "That was awesome." I flopped down by his head and let a laugh out myself. We calmed down once we heard the door to the stairwell open.

"I swear this place is haunted." Uraraka and Tsu we're clinging to each other with slight fear and excitement in their facial expressions. Me and Kirishima looked at each other and fist bumped.

"Nice job guys. You scared the girls." Kaminari have us a thumbs up earning him and elbow to the ribs from Jiro.

"On that note, it's getting pretty late so we should probably get to sleep." The group groaned at Iida.

"Just a little longer." Deku yawned and fell onto Todoroki's shoulder.

"I know. Why don't we watch a movie." Uraraka let go of Tsu.

"I'll go and make the popcorn." Tsu and Uraraka left to go and grab snacks. Iida set up the tv with the movie while others cuddled up to their significant others or became a puddle on the floor surrounded by blankets.

I wrapped my blanket around my shoulders and leaned against the armrest of the couch, spreading my legs out to the other seats. I pokes Kirishima with my toe earning a smile. I opened my arms for him to come and lay on me. He accepted the offer and snuggled up against my torso.

"Your so warm Bakugo." I pulled his blanket over both of us. The movie had begun and the girls returned with the snacks.

With everyone surrounded by comfort and warmth, sleep wasn't to far off. First to fall asleep was the Kaminari and Jiro followed by the rest of the girls. Todoroki has fallen asleep with Deku laying on his chest.

I look down at Kirishima who was struggling to keep his eyes open. To be more comfortable, I move down and laid my head on the armrest for a makeshift pillow. Kirishima snuggled up to me more, his head resting against my chest. I kissed his head and let sleep overtake me as well.

Kirishima's P.O.V.
I was the first one to wake up. The rain had found a steady pace, slower than last night. I moved a little, noticing Bakugo's arms wrapped around my waist. I slowly remove them and got up to use the bathroom.

When I can back, more people had started to get fidgety but none have awoken. I turn off the tv as I think of ideas of what do to pass the time. I look over at the half full bowl of popcorn that was next to Uraraka's hand. Perfect.

I grabbed the bowl and walked to the kitchen, leaving the popcorn in a bag and filling the bowl with hot water.

Walking back to the room, I chose my first victim. I could do the girls but I would probably be killed for that. Definitely not Bakugo or Iida. Them. My eyes land on Todoroki and Deku. Their fingers loosely intertwined at the base of the couch. Two birds with one stone. I place the bowl down gently directing their hands to the water. When they are completely submerged I back away and run to get my next prank set up.

With a sharpie in my hand I walk over to Bakugo and right 'softy' in his forehead. He moved when I wrote the last letter, smudging part of the ink. I stepped back not bothering to fix it. I looked toward the other, thinking of what other things I could do to make basically everyone hate me.

I put whip cream in Uraraka's hand, I poured salt in Tsu's hair since I know she doesn't take morning showers, and I shaved Iida's eyebrows off. I stepped back and looked at my work. I didn't want to touch Jiro and Kaminari since they were sick but once an idea popped into my head, I thought otherwise.

Since both of their noses were running, I sneaked I to the girls bathroom and grabbed some tampons. I preceded to shove them up their noses as far as they would go with out hurting them.

My final touch was waiting for me on the kitchen counter. I grabbed what I needed and ran back into the common area.

"Um Kirishima. What is all of this." Ashido questioned with Sero directly behind her.

"This is going to be good." I threw the air horn up in the air and caught it before pressing down the button.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter of the fanfic. I added the slight vine reference and noticed it was from vine after I finished writing but I thought it fit. Hope you enjoyed and be on the lookout for the next chapter. <3

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