3-Tell Him

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Kirishima's P.O.V.
Bakugo, slowly by slowly, has started conversing with other students and climbing himself out of the "hole of depression" he got himself into. He may venture off but he always finds his way back to my side. During lunch or walking through the halls to now.

We are in the city like battle arena for quirk training and Bakugo has been flying around my spot for almost half that class at this point. I give him a glance when he slides across a rooftop right infront of me, catching his gaze. His eyes seem to be trained on me for some bizarre reason. I can tell by his movement he thinks he's being inconspicuous but he's not.

He's been doing this during class as well. Whether that's a small peep from the corner of his eye or him fully turning his body toward my direction, he's always has some lead onto me.

Bakugo's P.O.V
Kirishima jumps another gap from building to building clearing it with ease.

Stop staring.

Diving down just behind his position I let a small explosion go against the loose rubble and set his footing unstable. He stumbles forward a little but caught himself still on his feet.

Just talk to him.

He's closing in on another gap. I lower my level and blast straight across his line of sight setting him a little uneasy. A slight jump scare can't mean any harm.

Why are you toying with him?

He stops at a four way intersection, scanning the roads to plan his next move. I still can't handle being this close to him after my breakdown but he's the one who deserves and explanation most. Just tell him already, he's your friend. But he will hate me. Everything will be ruined. I didn't realize this was so scary.

My body moves without my brain and blasts me toward Kirishima. I land almost toppling onto him but catching myself at the last second. His eyes widen a little and he takes a step back. "Hey man you okay? You seem a little, off."

Maybe because the fact that I hid from you was because of your bright smile and red colored hair. Maybe because you know how to comfort people and can socialize better than me. You make my stomach do flips and my heart skip beats.

"What? 'Cause practicing my quirk is a bad thing?" I have to play this off.

"Nah it's just....You've been, a little....clingy....today. If that makes sense. I mean it's not a bad thing and I don't mind. You are my friend and it helps me make sure your okay. It just catches me off guard when you look at me. Um, don't worry about that last part. I'm gonna go now, so bye." He ran off not even leaving a glimpse in my direction.

Dammit I do not like him. That's not what's happening. Nope, I guess I just missed him? And his alluring presents. And his shitty hair, and blood red eyes. And his second quirk that makes my heart skip a beat. Nope, just friends, no doubt.

Kirishima's P.O.V.
It's only been a couple hours and he's already showing more emotion than he has his entire life. Whatever made him this way must be very difficult for him to deal with. I know I'm should help him but how? He's my best friend and I know him inside out but this, this is different. It seems like he's hurt, emotionally?

Out of the corner of my eye I can see him still standing there glaring daggers into my soul. What did I do?

We were sent back to our dorms from a huge rainstorm that was scheduled for today. It had started a light sprinkle on our trip back leaving us with some damp spots on our uniforms but otherwise we made it back safe.

"it catches me off guard when you look at me?" I guess looking at someone a lot does seem kind of weird but i don't mind. But that's only if it's Bakugo that doesn't make it weird? Whenever he looks at me it kind of make me feel special that I stole his focus but I don't think that's anything different than friends, right?

I changed out of my uniform and into pajamas for our big sleepover in the common area. Laying on my bed, I try to muster up the courage to walk downstairs but result to scrolling through social media on my phone.

Bakugo's P.O.V.
Dammit I need to tell him. But what if he doesn't like me? Why is this so scary. I just want him to be thinking about me and spending all his time with me and- my thoughts are interrupted by a tear rolling down my cheek. Not again. I was fine today, why now?

This mental battle of don't tell him vs. tell him has weakened my emotions again. My back hit the wall and I slump into a puddle in the floor, tears fully down my face. I can't deal with emotions. I need help but from who? What will people think of me when I say that I like guys? What will Kirishima think? Why am I scared over this?

A few more tears slip before I bring my hand up to wipe them away and stand back to my feet. I'm going to tell him, its the easiest way and puts some of the weight off my shoulders. It won't be weird to talk to him. I just feel so, vulnerable. It's uncomfortable but hopefully Kirishima can understand this.

My slightly shaking hand raises to the door knob and pushed out into the hall. The hall is cold against my bare skin so before I make my way over to what could be my death, I rap a blanket around my shoulders, gripping on tight. I make my way over to his door and knock. Kirishima comes to the door, a tear from the still lingering water in my eyes.

The door knob turn and opens toward me. Kirishima looks up and down before catching my gaze with a concerned expression. My voice comes out shakey and uneven like I'm about to break down again. "Kirishima."

Hey guys!! Sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I ended up getting sick and I had a lot of homework starting to pile up 😓. But I finally have it with some Bakugo angst in all its glory. Next chapter should be better but my writers block came back so we'll see. Thanks for all the votes and hope you enjoyed. <3

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