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Kirishima's P.O.V.
I still can't get over that kiss. I can't believe that happened. I was so confused and that just flipped the switch. God I want to just grab his face and do it all over again.

We grab our spots on the couch, conveniently right next to each other. Of course, everyone had to stare at us since we walked in together. "What? Do we have a problem here?" Bakugo spoke for both of us. Everyone took their respected spots as to not provoke Bakugo. He can be a hot head sometimes but I find it kind of cute.

Just for experiment since Bakugo was so calm at the moment, I moved over a seat and layed my feet on his lap. We had more room in the couches since most of the student had already went to bed.

To my surprise, his expression didn't change. I suspected he would get riled up but I guess at this point he doesn't care.

Everyone was in the middle of a pleasant conversation. Me and Bakugo exchanged glance multiple times. I could see some of the other students looks of confusion as to why I could prop my feet on his lap without being pummeled to the ground.

A couple times through the night I've gotten poked in the foot and have been exposed of having ticklish feet. I resulted to using my hardening quirk so I don't feel it yet Bakugo replies with adding slight heat to the top of his finger to "burn" his way through my rock hard feet, completely forgetting about the no destructive quirk use rule. It tickled more than anything and I couldn't suppress my laughes behind a hand. I let loose causing everyones attention to lock onto me.

With various stares ranging from shocked to confused I pulled my feet closer to me, curling in on myself as far away as the couch would let me from Bakugo. A smirk overtook his face, a blush worthy, heart crumbling, will put butterflies in your stomach type of smirk.

Bakugo settles his spot, a content expression on his face replaced the victory smirk. The others went back to their conversation leaving me still curled up with my blanket covering half my face.

I let some time pass before sneaking a foot out from beneath me and poking Bakugo's leg with my toe. I received a side glare, neigh angered nor uncomfortable but more of a warning sign. I did it again making his squirm a little at the touch.

Experimentally, I reached my foot out again and barely grazed his leg. I didn't look back until I felt a strong grip on my ankle that pulled me down. My eyes flutter open to see Bakugo above me with a hand up creating small explosions. "Last warning shitty hair."

My mind wandered trying to find some way to see how much I could push his buttons until he exploded. I poked and prodded at his sides and chest, "wouldn't be the first time I've been under you." I attempted a whisper but apparently wasn't quiet enough since everyone, once again, turned their gaze to us.

Dead silence filled the room until Deku Walt's in and slammed a box of pocky down on the coffee table in the middle of all the couches. "Who's ready to start our annual rainy day truth or dare g-"

Deku looked around and followed their gaze to us. Bakugo scrambles to get off of me. "Well this is awkward." "Deku."

Bakugo stood up off the couch and made his way to the small, green haired boy, "you better not say anything about this, understand." Bakugo jabbed a finger at his chest making the shorter boy stumble back a step. He vigorously nodded his head in response before shuffled over to his seat next to Todoroki.

Bakugo returned when I sat up, the space between us less than before. Sitting with my legs crossed, my blanket around my shoulders and Bakugo leaning on the armchair, his blanket thrown over the edge of the couch, we started the game.

"Lest see," Deku looks around the group, choosing his first target, "Kirishima, truth or dare.


"Anybody got a dare?." Deku shifted in his seat.

Jiro looks around the group to see if anyone was going to speak up before setting her arm on the armrest of her chair and holding her head in her hand, "spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to sit on their lap for the rest of the game."

"Fine." I walk to the kitchen and grab a Coca Cola bottle from the fridge hoping that I could get someone that wouldn't make this weird. This would be a perfect excuse to cuddle with Bakugo but it would be horrible because we would probably enjoy it and we can't let the others know, not just yet.

I shake my head to clear my thought as I sit down on the couch and spin the bottle with minimal force. It spun around multiple times before landing on the person next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, a death glare was shot my way.

Hey guys!! You guys probably know who Kirishima has to sit on but I wanted to try and create suspense for it anyways. Thanks for reading another chapter. <3

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