part five| stranger?

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After the shocking occurence of my finacee, best friend of twenty years, boyfriend of five years, pull a semi automatic weapon out of his pants, I was frozen.

And I remained frozen twenty minutes later, when the gunshots stopped and Dominick returned to me.

"Dominick?" I whisper. His shirt is covered in blood, but I suspect it is not his own.

"Elliot, baby are you alright?" He moved to touch me but I flinch, and I see his eyes showing a look of pain and regret. "Baby, please. I know you're confused, but we need to leave now."

Following his orders, still silent, I stand up, and ignore his hand to help me. Looking around, there had to have been over twenty dead men dressed in black. Through the broken glass, I see some of Dominick's "business" friends with guns as well. I try my hardest to not fall as I step through the shards of broken glass, blood puddles, and bodies. My heels crunch with every step and the sight of it made a few tears slide down my cheek.

The restaurant goers look appalled at me and Dominick walking through the restaurant, but are quiet nontheless. 

One of his men step through the window, which apparently was now an entrance, and began attending to the rest of the people.

I reach the car after what seems like a lifetime of walking through the aftermath, and hesitantly get inside. Our driver is here, Marco, but he looks as unphazed as the rest. We begin to drive. But with each street sign, storefront, and pedestrian I see, my mind blurs more and more. My strength dwindles.

I sob violent, body-wracking sobs, turning me into a shaking mess. 

"Ell, it's going to be okay." Dominick whispers to me, and I can faintly hear his shhs through my crying.

"Why did you kill all those people?" I feebly ask, but I don't know if all the words get out correctly. God, I'm a mess. My brain is jagged and my mind feels like its turned off.

"I'm in a dangerous business Elliot. I never told you the truth because I didn't want to scare you away or have anyone hurt you. I can't lose you El." I love him, I love him so much. But this? What does he mean dangerous? Who is out to get me?

"Who is out to get me Dom? Why don't you just quit?" I say, slowly regaining my breath. 

"I can't quit. This is a lot, I know. But please understand that those men were trying to hurt you and me." I had so many more questions, but I could feel myself dozing off. And before I knew it, I was asleep.


I wish last night was a dream. I wish that I hadn't saw what I saw, and that Dominick is still the sweet man I met twenty years ago. I wish he could quit, and we could move on. But these things can't happen. They won't.

Deciding to get up, I drag myself out of the comfort and safety our bed provides. I am six weeks pregnant today, and my wedding is today. Can I even do this?

The clock reads 7 A.M. Really? It's not often I wake up on time.

My family and friends should be here in about half an hour to help me get ready, but I have to talk to Dominic first. I refuse to marry him without getting the answers I need.

I walk down the stairs, smelling breakfast. My favorite, strawberry banana topped pancakes with whipped cream and gallons of syrup.

God, Dominick is still the most delectable thing at the table. Focus, Elliot!

"Good morning." He says, in a catious voice, like he is trying to determine how I'm feeling right now. But honestly, I can't tell him. I don't even know how I'm feeling right now.

"We need to talk." I take my seat to next to him, holding off on eating so I can give him my full attention.

"Elliot, I need you to understand what happened last night. Those men, they were very bad men. They were going to-"

I cut him off. "Hurt me. I know. I get that Dominick, I understand why you did it, as excessive and violent as it was. But how? How long has this been going on?" But the actual question I want to ask is, am i the only person who doesn't know?

"Well you know my father died when we were still children. He was the Capo, and his underboss took over until I turned eighteen. That's why I left for all those years. I have been wanting to tell you for so long, my love." He pauses, taking my hands in his. "I needed to protect you. I still do. If anything happened to you I'd.." He stops, as if contemplating the scenarios in his head.

Shaking him out of it, I hug him. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He holds me tight, as if he is afraid I will turn to dust if I leave his arms. I hold on to him just as tight.

"Who else knows?"

He pulls back, looking me in my eyes. I see caution in his. "Everyone except you, my love. Levi is the son of one of my members who are on an assignment."

I don't know what to do. I feel so- jumbled. Everyone knew? Except me? The person I am closest to, he didn't.. 

"Baby, please say something." I guess I forgot to speak.

"I, I don't know what to say. How could you keep this from me?" How am I ever supposed to trust him again?

"I had to, I could not put you in any more danger. Just you being with me is a danger in itself. But I love you too much to let you go. I know you don't understand all of it, mi cara, but please." Dom pleads.

"Okay." Is all I manage to get out. "We will talk more about this right? About the.. killing?"

"Yes my love, whatever you ask." He kisses my forehead before going to make my plate of pancakes, exactly how I like them.

"The girls will be here in fifteen minutes. You better go before they figure out that we slept in the same bed last night. The fit they'll throw.." I giggle a little bit, and so does he.

He sets my plate down in front of me, then kisses my head again.

"I can't wait to marry you today. I love you so much, and now this baby. I couldn't be happier." Before I knew it, I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, it's these pregnancy hormones. I love you too."

Giving me one last hug, he left the room.

I put my hand over my stomach. I want to marry him, I love him. But who is out to get us? 

I had seen the movies, I knew what he meant when he said he was in the mafia. It wasn't that hard to put the pieces together of all the things I ignored in our relationship. It was all adding up. 

I guess love really is blind. I don't care about any of the dangers. I just want Dominick and I to be happy, with our little baby that's on the way.


underboss : right hand man

cara: love, honey, my sweet

capo: boss

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