part two| the madness begins

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a/n: I'm sorry if this story is messy, this is my first published story among the many I've written and chosen not to publish. constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!! ( but pls note the difference between hate and cc. ) sorry it's been a while since the first chapter!

"So.. are you going to just stand there or are you going to tell me the truth?"

The anger in Dominick's composure was evident, his fists balled and his facial features scrutinizing. His soft eyes were now livid, searching mine for confirmation of what he had found. My words failed me, so I offered a small smile instead.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" He sighed, instantly relaxing his tense body.

"I didn't know how you would take it. We're both so busy and I didn't think you'd want it-"

"Of course I want it, Ell, how could you think that? I'd give up everything for you, and now this baby, you should have known that."

"I'm sorry. I was just so scared, with the wedding coming up I just thought it would be too much." I could barely speak without choking up. Dominick rushed to pull me into his strong embrace, clearing all my doubts.

"You will never, ever be too much for me. I'll always love you, no matter what, okay? And our little spawn too." Dominick smirked as he concluded, kissing my forehead and hugging me tighter. It was just then my nausea returned, making me rush back into the bathroom for round two of morning sickness.

"How long have you kept this from me?" Dominick blurted, and by just a glance at his face I could see all the questions forming on the tip of his tongue.

"About a week.. Are you mad?"

"I should be, but I'm not. I refuse to waste any more time that I could be using to care for our precious cargo." At this I smiled, going back to brush my teeth.

"You made breakfast right? I really want potatoes and ketchup right now, Dom." I pouted, feigning a pouty look as toothpaste dribbled out of my mouth.

"And the madness begins," He snickered, as madness indeed was to come.

☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎New Visitor ☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

The rehearsal dinner had gone surprisingly well, intimate and lacking family drama. Although the speeches seemed to be less than genuine, I assumed it was because everyone was tired and a pregnant bossy woman seemed not to be something people wanted to deal with. They had yet to know I was pregnant, however. Am I just always bossy then?

Currently I lay in the lavender smelling bathwater, soaking my stress away when I heard Dominick come through the front door. I expected him to come straight to my position, but instead I hear two sets of footprints, shuffling, and then the slam of the guest room door.

I hurry out of the tub still wet, throwing on my silk robe and slippers. As I open the bathroom door I am almost thrown to the ground in shock as Dominick stands before me.

His eyes are tired and droopy, his clothes a scattered mess on the floor. He pulls me to his naked chest, closing the door behind him and slipping my robe from my shoulders. I lead him back to the tub, slipping in and resting my back on his chest.

"Are you alright?" I ask quietly, cause I'm afraid that if I talk any higher he'll literally croak right in front of me.

"Yes, just a stressful day at work. How was your day?" He closes his eyes, placing his hands over my stomach and caressing the small, yet hard bump there.

"Nothing much, just did some final work on the wedding for next week and took a bath after dinner." I try and fail to cheer him up, so I decide to just bite the bullet.

"Who is staying in the guest bedroom?"

" A teenager, Levi Marshall. I had to take him home tonight since his deranged father, a collegue of mine, disappeared and no one can find his mother. So I'm stuck with babysitting duty for the next month or so." He groaned at this, starting to wash and rub along both our bodies.

"Dom, look at me," I said, turning my back to face him, "whatever you're stuck with, I'm stuck with, okay? We will do this together." He nodded his head, pecking my lips before starting to wash the both of us off.

"I love you, you know that?

"Yeah, I think you've told me once or twice."

Stepping out of the tub, I quickly dried off and headed for Dominick and I's shared walk-in-closet that was also inside of our huge bedroom. I opened the shut bathroom door only to reveal the supposed teen Levi.

Levi was tall, almost as tall as Dominick but not quite. He had curly brown hair and light green eyes, like the eyes that might change in different lighting. He had a skinny build, full lips and if I had to guess, I'd say he was barely 18.

Levi barely had a chance to finish looking me up and down before Dominick stepped in front of me, a towel around his waist and my robe in his hand. He handed it to me, and even after I put it on, his huge body shielded me front the prying eyes of Levi.

"Rule one, don't look at my wife. Ever." Dominick spat, and my heart leaped at him calling me his wife.

"I thought you said you guys were still engaged?" Levi smirked, trying to take another peek at me but failed with no luck. I decided to introduce myself, hoping to make this situation any less awkward between the two men.

"Hi Levi, I'm Elliot. And yes, Dominick and I are still engaged." I stuck my hand out, hoping for him to shake it at which he happily obliged.

"Elliot is a beautiful name, almost as beautiful as this lovely home you have here."

"Thank you, I decorated it myself. Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat?"

"Are you an option?" Levi hungrily licked his lips, making me blush and shrink back in my rightful spot behind Dominick.

"That's enough! You can sleep in the guest room until we can give you something more personal. This is my house, and I do not tolerate misbehavior, got it?"

Dominick was struggling to control his anger, and I guess Levi noticed because his sultry tone went from 'your fiancee calls me daddy too' to 'yes sir'. With a quiet nod Levi left the room, but not without one last once over of me.

"What are we going to do with him?"

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