His new practice room is almost 3 times bigger than his old one but that room will always be important to him and I know that. That's why as I was climbing the stairs to the floor where the room was, some kind of emotion made my heart swell, remembering how many times I came here. It all belongs to the past now.

I reach the door and push it open, as I try to remember everything Hoseok told me to pick up from here. I close the door behind me and turn around, heading towards the enclosed room, a place that holds so many memories for me...

But when I lift my head, I see a person wearing a dark hoodie a few feet away from me, their back turned to me. I make a few steps behind, my heart beating so fast I was almost afraid it might jump out of my chest.

"I'm sorry but you're not exactly allowed here, who are you?" I manage to ask.

When the person turns around to face me, my breath hitches. My wide eyes fill with tears the second after my eyes meet his face, his beautiful features still so fresh in my memory.

As if he hasn't been gone for about five months now.

My head fills with words from his letter, words that ripped me apart back then, my heart fills with everything I've been through with him, every tiny memory of us, every single thing, it all stays there. It almost feels suffocating.

He makes a step towards me and I step back, still not believing what my eyes see and somehow beginning to fear. Fear that time might have changed things for him. For me it hasn't anyway. Clear pain washes over his face and I feel a heavy feeling in my chest. My fists clench and unclench beside me, slightly shaking, so unsure of what I'm supposed to do or to say.

"I thought I might see this place though..." He says, slightly smiling.

I run towards Jimin and wrap my arms tightly around him, surprising him and myself as well. I start crying in his black hoodie and I feel him wrapping his left hand around my body while the other one was caressing my hair. I couldn't help but observe that his body was slightly stronger than a few months ago, my heart crying in happiness that he hasn't ignored his health while in America. I felt my arms go numb in the tight hug, but I couldn't help it.

I missed him.

When I feel like my arms might fall limp, I pull away, suddenly feeling mad.

"Why didn't you call or text or anything? Why didn't you tell me you were coming home, you idiot?"

He chuckles slightly. I missed that sound so much that I was literally trying not to cry.

"I wanted to keep it as a... surprise." He says, turning serious. "I didn't know how you would react, anyway."

"Oh so it has been a better idea to just show up here and scare the crap out of me! The others will freaking kill you when they find-..."

He gives me a bright smile and I realize I'm missing out.

"What?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"They know, you idiot." He says smiling.

"Yah, careful with the language, you're the intruder here." I say and he laughs. "You're all so dead."

"Yah?" He asks amused. "You're talking to the assistant director of Hope World Dance Studio."

My lips part in shock as I stare at him. Eventually, I throw my hands in the air muttering "Nobody informs me about anything, for real." And Jimin laughs again.

"Didn't you miss me?" He asks, a smirk plastered on his beautiful lips.

"Miss you?"

I huff ironically.

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