Part 11

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While I wait for Dianne to get ready for the day I pull out my camera. However, after 10 minutes of trying to record an intro I give up. I'll just try again later. Instead, I grab a glass of water and stand outside on the balcony. The breeze is fresh on my bare chest and soon I can't feel my fingers. What I do feel, though, is someone's hands on my shoulders, gently massaging them. I smile to myself and spin around, then pull Di into me. She rests her forehead on my chest and looks out over the forest, one hand interlocked with mine and the other absentmindedly tracing my abs. Leaning forwards, I kiss the top of her head, then she looks straight up at me but doesn't say anything. Without thinking I raise an eyebrow, which makes her laugh. She's done well to not laugh already to be honest, she's usually nervous around me when I don't have a shirt on, and blushes. A lot. Me standing there with no shirt on and one eyebrow raised must be too much for her, as her giggles don't stop, eventually she manages to splutter,
"It's freezing- come inside?" Willingly I oblige, as I too can't feel my fingers, or indeed any other part of my body. The hand that Dianne is holding is warm, almost as if it itself is blushing, being close to her skin. I push that thought out of my mind. There's no way she makes me that nervous. In the distance, I hear Dianne tell me something about going to talk to someone, and that I needed to get ready. It isn't really in the distance, my head is just so loud. As I get ready I replay yesterday's events in my head. The paps. The beach. The kiss. The restaurant. Zoë and Alfie turning up. Carrying Di down the stairs. Losing Alfie. The hot tub. Cuddling. Kissing. Going inside. Kissing. Laughing. More kissing. And then... I smile to myself. This trip really was a good idea.

Joe is taking forever. Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but he's taking a long time. Me, Zoë and Alfie are all sitting in the living room, talking about our plans for the day, but really all wishing that Joe would hurry up so we could eat.
"I'll go tell him to hurry up." When I walk into the room the bathroom door is locked. Seriously? He can't still be in the shower. "JOE?" I shout. No answer. Mercilessly I burst in, to find him stood in the shower, surrounded by a pool of red water. Joe mustn't have realised I was there, as my sudden gasp makes him turn around.
"Joe are you okay? What's happened?" He looks at me and just laughs. I don't understand what's funny. There's a lot of blood coming from somewhere. Either that or... Or... I look at him.
"It's your hair isn't it."
"Yeah Di it is, are you okay?" He shuts off the shower and walks over with a goofy smile to give me a hug. Screaming I run away,
"Joe you're all wet!!"
"Funnily enough Di, I've just been in the shower. I don't know how showers work in Australia, but in England they use water." He's trying so hard to keep a straight face. I simply stick my tongue out.
"Hurry up, we're waiting for you." He drops into a bow,
"Yes ma'am."
"And put a shirt on!!" I cry, before sweeping out the door.

After spending the morning relaxing with Zoë and Alfie, I've dragged Di out. We're going to get massages, then we'll probably mess around in the various pools and hot tubs. Zo has told me that her and Alf will join us once we've had our massages. I make a mental note to text her once we're done. Being the person I am, I wasn't planning on having a massage, but Zo may have convinced me. After all, we've worked so hard over the past few months, and my body is now kindly reminding me of that. I've got aches and pains in places I didn't even realise I could get them. As we walk to the mini spa or whatever it is I talk to my camera. It feels weird, but I suppose I haven't done it in a while. I explain where we're going and what we're doing, then shut it off. I much prefer being able to be close with Dianne.

Much to my surprise, Zo and Alfie are already here when I come out of my massage. Quickly I change into my bikini. It's a simple black number. I think back to the strictly party and smile. If I remember rightly, simple black numbers seem to work in my favour with Joe. Tentatively, I walk down a few steps into the pool, then dive neatly under the surface. I break the surface at the other side of the pool. I'm quite happy stood here for a few moments, until I see Joe emerge and start running towards me.
"JOE NOOOO." I shriek, as he cannonballs into the pool. Luckily I turn my back to where he'd landed just as a tidal wave comes over me. I feel hands on my waist spin me round, and Joe is inches from me, with the biggest goofy smile I've ever seen plastered on his face.
"Di why are you so wet?" He asked, completely innocently.
"Oh I wonder." I reply. Then think that's a bit harsh. It was only meant to be sarcastic, but he genuinely took half a step back. Oops.
"You're such a child Joe." I laugh. He steps back towards me again and laughs,
"Yeah but you love me for it." He's clearly not realised what he's said, so I just leave it.
"Whatever you say Joe, whatever you say."

Alfie and Zoë are in the hot tub outside, and I think Zo has her camera with her. Hopefully I can steal some of her footage to put into my vlog too, I'm sure she won't mind. Di and I join them in the hot tub. We're all just talking and laughing, inevitably getting onto strictly. Zo is making fun of me, saying I'm not strong enough for the lifts or something.
"Di come here," she's deep in conversation with Alfie. Come to think of it, it's the first proper one on one conversation they've had since we've been here. She comes over to me,
"What?" I pick her up bridal style, she gasps and starts kicking her legs,
"No Joe it's cold it's cold!!" I'm laughing at her and she can't help but laugh as well, I put her back into the water, but keep holding her. She doesn't go to move so I don't either, she's just sat on my knee leaning into my chest. Zo told me she filmed that, and I know instantly that viewers and fans will love it. Not quite as much as I did though.

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