Part 10

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Climbing out of the hot tub, I change into my onesie before going to find Alfie. I search all of the treehouse, apart from Joe and Dianne's room, as I'd heard the lock click almost as soon as I'd left, and wasn't about to try and get in there. Not that he'd be in there anyway. Confused, I ring him, and he picks up on the second ring,
Z- "Hey Alf, where are you?"
A- "I went to clear my head, I'm coming back tho, see you in two!!"
Z- "Okay... wh-"
He hung up. Clear his head? Why does he need to clear his head? Is it something I've done? I'm pretty sure it wasn't, although we haven't really talked all day since meeting Joe and Dianne earlier. Oops.

If I'm being completely honest, I don't fully know why I left without telling anyone. I just took my chance when Joe left to go ask the girls something. I'd grabbed my coat and shoes and gone, not even bothering to pick up my camera. It's just something about her that I can't place my finger on. It's not even that it feels bad or like I don't trust her, it's just something doesn't feel right. Anyway, I told Zoë that I'm going back and then hung up straight away. I can't deal with her questions right now. Unwillingly I make my way back, and upon arrival find Zoë pacing the living room.
"Alfie where have you been?!" She cries. I walk up to her and hug her,
"I told you, I was clearing my head." She looks at me in disbelief,
"But why, what from?" Suddenly I realise something,
"Where's Joe and Dianne?" Her eyes briefly flick to their bedroom door.
"It's not important, stop trying to change the subject."

It's not like Alfie to run out like that, he usually talks to someone first, and that someone is usually me. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm quite hurt that he didn't come to me before running out. After some coaxing, I eventually get it out of him. He's got this feeling about Dianne, a weird one, and he just doesn't know how she moved on so quickly. I won't lie, I had the same feeling at first, but I talked to her about it, and she was happy to explain. She'd told me that both her and Anthony felt like their relationship had come to an end on it's own. The chemistry was no longer there for either of them, so they officially ended it. It was a mutual decision, she'd said, and they were still friends, despite whatever the press try and make out. She'd also told me that when she started getting feelings for Joe she'd talked to Anthony, asking if he thought it was too soon. He knew that they hadn't been there when they were together, so was happy for her, he said. All of this I tell to Alfie, and he seems more content after. I'm surprised he was worried to be honest, but also think it's so sweet that he's looking out for Joe. I smile and snuggle into him.
"Happy now?" He looks into my eyes before muttering,

When I wake up, Joe's arms are still around me. I quickly get out of bed and put his hoodie on over my shorts, and then make my side of the bed. No doubt when he wakes up he'll start filming, and we don't want anyone thinking we slept in the same bed. I smile to myself, knowing that that's only the tip of the iceberg. He grunts and l turn around laughing, "Morning to you too."
"Huh?" Okay maybe he isn't actually awake yet. He's laying on his back with his hands behind his head.
"Joeeee get uppppp!!" I say whilst yanking open the curtains, letting light flood through the doors. Only then do I glance at my watch. It's 7:15. Joe shows no signs of movement, so I go and kiss him lightly.
"Joe get the hell up now!! Look how pretty the forest is!!" After about 10 minutes I give up, so go and lay on top of him, chest to chest, my legs either side of his waist. I nuzzle into his neck and lay there. Happy.
"Di why are you wearing my clothes?" I smirk,
"I'm only wearing your hoodie, you'd look no good in these shorts!!" He just stares at me.
"Is that a challenge?" I wasn't prepared for that answer. From out of nowhere he flips me round and pins me to the bed, our noses inches apart.
"I'd look better in your shorts than you." I giggle at this, as all I can see is Joe walking round in a pair of booty shorts, striking poses.
"Oh you think that's funny do you?" He's laughing and leans back, no longer pinning me down. I swing my legs off the bed and head to the bathroom, feeling him staring at me as I walk away. In his mind, he knows he wouldn't look as good as me in them, because by the look on his face I look pretty damn good right now.

One Foot in Front of the Other Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora