Part 2

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Slowly her mouth opens. And closes. And opens again. Whatever she wants to say, she clearly can't. She takes her hands out of mine and stands up, silently shaking her head. I sit on the floor and watch her pace up and down the room. One. Two. Three times. Then she stops in front of me.
"I don't want to lose you."
I'm stunned, speechless. She doesn't want to lose me? That I was not expecting. Sure, there's been times over the past 3 months where I've felt something special, or had butterflies or we've even been close to kissing, but I never thought she'd feel like that. I guess she's better at hiding her feelings than I thought.

Great. He's just sitting there. Staring at me. Or rather, through me. Honestly, I have no clue what came over me. Why did I say that? I could have said I was tired or was low on sugar or some other excuse he might believe. Something, anything, other than the truth. That's something I'm good at. Lying. Well, more hiding the truth. I've had practise at it these past few months anyway haven't I?
"Joe? Joe, say something, talk to me."
I search his face for any hint of emotion, but it's blank. Like I've sent him into shock. Exactly the reaction I was looking for, obviously.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything, I'll leave you alone, come find me soon... please." And the door shuts. What am I doing? Why have I just let her walk away? And more importantly, why is she apologising? For a start, even if I didn't feel the same way then she shouldn't apologise, she can't help her feelings, secondly, I do feel the same way, so... so I'd just let her walk away. I find my feet and open the door, willing my feet to walk. One foot in front of the other. One foot in front of the other. One foot in front of the other.

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