Part 7

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Looking through my wardrobe, I realise I have nothing to wear. Well. I do, but nothing original, or inspiring. I sigh and look at the options I've placed out on my bed. I settle for a little black dress. A go to for any girl. I pick out my favourite pair of heels and the necklace that Zoe gave to me, it's simple yet beautiful, I love it.

Standing next to Kevin and Stacey, I keep zoning out of their conversation. I occasionally chip in with a nod of my head or a smile if it goes quiet, but I mainly sit looking round, trying to work out who's here and, more importantly, who isn't. Most people are here by now. I look down at my phone. Nothing. No big deal, I tell myself. It's so busy in here that anyone could be anywhere. I try to focus on the conversation in front of me, before mumbling some excuse and going to talk to some other people.

Yet again I'm at Elstree. It seems like I never leave this place. I follow the directions on the invite and come to a set of double doors. This is definitely the place. Above the doors are two huge banners, that read 'Strictly Ball 2018'. I look down at my phone. Nothing. Taking a deep breath, I push open the doors and slip inside. Looking around, the place is packed. I can't see anyone I really know, so head to the next best place. The bar.

I'm half listening to another conversation when I get a sharp poke in the back. I spin round to see Kevin and Stacey.
"Your girlfriend's here."
I roll my eyes, "She's not my girlfriend!!" Stacey smirks, "How did you know who I was talking about then?" I backed myself into that one. Well done Joe. I shake my head.
"Where is she?"
Kevin looks up and I follow his gaze.
"Thanks." I have no idea how they found out about me and Dianne. They find out everything. She's definitely not my girlfriend, but we do like each other, that much is clear. I'll worry about them another time.

Suddenly I'm whisked off my feet. Someone has grabbed me from behind and is spinning me round. I really hope it's who I think it is. They put me down and I turn round,
"Hey Joe!!" I haven't fully taken him in yet. His outfit is cute and his hair actually looks half decent for once, or so I tell him. He tells me I'm beautiful for the second time today, and I can feel the heat radiating from my cheeks.

Finally I find her. I take her hand and lead her to the dance floor, it's not like we've not done enough dancing recently. It's hard for me to take my eyes off her, and her dress is so gorgeous.
"Di, they say girls in little black dresses steal hearts you know." I comment as we dance. She thinks about it for a minute,
"They don't say that."
"Well I do." I reply. She doesn't look convinced.
"Since when?"
I look at her smiling,
"Since now."

Wow. Okay. I'm stealing his heart?! I wish. I reach up to kiss him, but he pulls me into a hug instead. I deflate a little, confused. He's just said I'm stealing his heart, yet refuses to kiss me? We're still hugging, which seems kind of weird until he whispers to me,
"I want to, but not in front of everyone..." Only then do I remember that it isn't just us two in the room, and we are in fact at the Strictly after party. I smile at him.
"Sorry, I forgot!!" We spend the rest of the night talking to people, drinking and dancing. And, of course, trying not to look too close to each other.

Dianne falls asleep on the sofa. I'd invited her over, I wanted her here. If I'm honest, I can't even remember what the reason was. I do know that she's had quite a bit to drink, and I want to make sure she's safe. It's strange how protective I feel of her, it's like bottling my feelings up for the past few months have made them stronger. Perhaps they have, who knows. How does she manage to stay gorgeous while sleeping? I'll never know. My phone pings and I look down. Perfect.

By the time Dianne wakes up our cases are packed and ready to go. She doesn't even notice at first. I wait for her to get ready, and then go and sit down with her.
"Di, I have something to ask you..." she looks up and smiles, taking my hands in hers,
"Ask away!!" I'm suddenly nervous. Really nervous.
"So, I know we like each other, and, I'm just wondering, should we make it official?"

Honestly, he looks so worried.
"Definitely!!" He seems genuinely shocked.
"Are you sure? My fans can be a bit, um..." At this I laugh,
"Liking you means liking every part about you Joseph. That includes your job and your fans, however they feel about me." He relaxes a bit, and it's now that I notice the cases,
"Going somewhere?" The relaxed Joe disappears again. Seriously, he needs to start having a more chilled approach to things.
"Yeah, we are, we're going to a treehouse with Zoë and Alfie."

At this, her eyes light up,
"A treehouse?!" She really is like a child sometimes, I think to myself. But it's cute. I grab my laptop and open the website for the treehouses,
"Which one are we staying in?" She asks,
"I don't know, but even if I did I wouldn't tell you- I'd want it to be a surprise!!" She rolls her eyes at that and I head to the kitchen, hearing her gasp occasionally and mutter to herself. She seems excited at least. I keep telling myself that this is good, and it will allow our relationship to move forwards. Now it can be shaped by us, rather than by Strictly. However I still can't shake the fact that it seems to soon. An outsider, or someone who reads papers, would think that we are quite far into our relationship, but the truth is we aren't, on many levels it's only just begun. I start regretting accepting Zoë's offer to tag along with them, until I hear Di squeal and shout yet another thing that the treehouse offered. Maybe I have made the right decision.

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